| 1 | | Public Hearing | E&P TECHNOLOGY WAY - BUILDING A & B / DENNIS PAULLEY / USE PERMIT APPLICATIONS #P22-00307 and #P22-00308
CEQA Status: Consideration and possible adoption of a Mitigated Negative Declaration. According to the proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration, the proposed project would not have any potentially significant environmental impacts after implementation of mitigation measures. Mitigation measures are proposed for the following areas: Biological Resources, Cultural Resources, and Transportation. The project site is not included on a list of hazardous materials sites compiled pursuant to Government Code Section 65962.5. (State Clearinghouse Number #2024100855)
Request: Approval of two Use Permit applications to allow the construction of two separate buildings: Building A - a 450,000 gallon per year wine production and storage facility within a proposed 143,312 sf building (P22-00307-UP) and Building B - a speculative warehouse/office uses within a proposed 66,915 sf building (P22-00308-UP).
The Building A project proposes winery uses that will include grape crushing, bulk wine | | |
Action details