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Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: Board of Supervisors Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 1/14/2025 9:00 AM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Board of Supervisors Chambers 1195 Third Street, Third Floor
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Accessible Agenda Accessible Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Agenda packet: Agenda Packet Agenda Packet
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
24-2124 1A.ProclamationProclamation recognizing Supervisor Joelle Gallagher for her service and accomplishments as Board Chair in 2024. (No Fiscal Impact)   Not available Video Video
24-2141 1B.ProclamationProclamation recognizing January 2025 as “Positive Parenting Awareness Month” in Napa County. (No Fiscal Impact)   Not available Video Video
25-20 1A.AgreementApprove and authorize Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 170682B with the California Department of Food and Agriculture increasing the contract maximum by $56,221 for a new maximum of $188,185 for reimbursement of expenditures associated with the pest detection program through June 2025. (Fiscal Impact: $188,185 Revenue; General Fund; Budgeted; Mandatory)   Not available Not available
25-1 1B.ReportApproval of minutes from the December 17, 2024 and January 7, 2025 regular meetings. (No Fiscal Impact)   Not available Not available
25-39 1C.AppointmentAppoint Barbara J. Wiggins representing Community Member to the In-Home Supportive Services Advisory Committee with term of office to commence immediately and expire on September 1, 2026. (No Fiscal Impact)   Not available Not available
25-40 1D.AppointmentReappoint Kristi Morrow, for a second term, to the Napa County Commission on Aging to represent Organization Concerned with Older Adults with term of office to commence immediately and expire on September 30, 2026. (No Fiscal Impact)   Not available Not available
25-41 1E.AppointmentReappoint Barbara Pahre, for a fifth term, to the Golden Gate Bridge, Highway, and Transportation District Board with terms of office to commence immediately and expire on January 1, 2027. (No Fiscal Impact)   Not available Not available
25-42 1F.AppointmentReappoint Mary G. Palmer, for a second term, to represent Senior Community Representative on the Napa/Solano Area Agency on Aging Oversight Board with term of office to commence immediately and expire on December 31, 2027. (No Fiscal Impact)   Not available Not available
25-43 1G.AppointmentReappoint James V. Jones, for a tenth term, as Trustee for the Bar Association, and Anthony Halstead, for a fourth term, as Trustee for the Board of Supervisors, to the Napa County Law Library Board of Trustees with the terms of office to commence immediately and expire December 31, 2025. (No Fiscal Impact)   Not available Not available
25-45 1H.AppointmentReappoint Vanessa M. Rubio and Juan Cisneros, both for a second term, to the First 5 Napa County Children and Families Commission with the terms of office to commence immediately and expire January 1, 2028. (No Fiscal Impact)   Not available Not available
24-2123 1I.OrdinanceAdopt an Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 1452 and modifying Napa County Code Chapter 2.106 Title 2 (Administration and Personnel) on establishing a Juvenile Camp in Napa County to change the name of the Napa Juvenile Camp to Skyline Academy. (No Fiscal Impact)   Not available Not available
25-68 1J.AgreementApprove and authorize Amendment No. 7 to Agreement No. 190183B with the law firm of Downey Brand, LLP for legal services and representation at the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), to adjust the hourly rates for calendar year 2025. (Fiscal Impact: negligible; General Fund; Budgeted; Discretionary).   Not available Not available
24-2129 1K.ReportApprove an increase of capital assets and a Budget Amendment to increase appropriations by $5,200 in the Fire Operations to pay vehicle taxes on a Ford Expedition command vehicle purchased from Cordelia Fire District. (Fiscal Impact: $5,200 Expense; Fire Fund, Not Budgeted: Discretionary) [4/5 vote required]   Not available Not available
25-16 1L.ResolutionAdopt a Resolution authorizing the District Attorney to apply for, execute and sign grant subaward documents, including amendments, extensions and modifications, thereof, for the Unserved/Underserved Victim Advocacy and Outreach (UV) Program. (Fiscal Impact: $196,906 Revenue; General Fund; Budgeted; Discretionary)   Not available Not available
25-21 1M.ResolutionAdopt a Resolution to amend the Departmental Allocation List for Information Technology Services, a Division of the County Executive Office, with no net increase to full-time equivalents, effective January 18, 2025. (No Fiscal Impact; Discretionary)   Not available Not available
25-22 1N.ResolutionAdopt a Resolution to amend the Departmental Allocation List for Public Works, with no net increase to full-time equivalents, effective January 18, 2025. (No Fiscal Impact; Discretionary)   Not available Not available
25-35 1O.ResolutionAdopt a Resolution to amend the Departmental Allocation List for Health & Human Services Agency, with a net increase of 1.0 full-time equivalent, effective January 18, 2025. (Fiscal Impact: $86,000 Expense; HHSA Fund; Budgeted; Discretionary)   Not available Not available
25-48 1P.AgreementApprove and authorize Agreement No. 250275B with RDA Consulting, SPC to develop the County’s Realignment Annual Plan, an annual requirement to be submitted to the State under Assembly Bill 109 (Fiscal Impact: $50,000 Expense; Realignment Special Revenue Funds; Budgeted; Discretionary).   Not available Not available
24-2023 1Q.AgreementApprove and authorize Amendment No. 1 to Space License Agreement No. 200341B with Stanford Youth Solutions dba Stanford Sierra Youth & Families for continued use of two cubicles located at 2751 Napa Valley Corporate Drive for no rental fee, to extend the term to be automatically renewed and coterminous with Service Agreement No. 220199B and any amendments thereto, or successor agreements that provide the same or substantially similar services, to provide support to parents currently involved in the Child Welfare and Wraparound Services in Napa County. (No Fiscal Impact; Discretionary)   Not available Not available
24-2142 1R.ReportAccept and file a report on Space License and Lease Agreements executed by the County Executive Officer during the period July 1, 2024, through December 31, 2024, pursuant to Resolution No. 2018-36. (No Fiscal Impact; Discretionary)   Not available Not available
25-15 1S.ReportApprove the Plans & Specifications for the Zinfandel Expedited Repair Project, PW 24-23; award a construction contract to Pomilia Civil of Redwood Valley, CA in the amount of $159,809 for the Project; and approve a Budget Amendment. (Fiscal Impact: $600,000 Expense; Capital Improvement Projects Fund; Not Budgeted; Discretionary) [4/5 vote required]   Not available Not available
24-2094 1T.ResolutionAdopt a Resolution authorizing a training agreement with California State Parks Division of Boating and Waterways, and authorize the Sheriff to sign the agreement and any other necessary documents. (Fiscal Impact: $1,300 Revenue; General Fund; Not Budgeted; Discretionary)   Not available Not available
25-71 1A.AppointmentAppoint District 2 Supervisor Liz Alessio’s nomination of Walter Brooks and District 4 Supervisor Amber Manfree’s nomination of Pete Richmond to the Napa County Planning Commission. The terms of office commence immediately and run coterminous with the terms of District 2 Supervisor Liz Alessio (December 31, 2028) and District 4 Supervisor Amber Manfree (December 31, 2028). (No Fiscal Impact) Applicants: Walter Brooks Alan “Chuck” Dell’ario Pete Richmond Gary Woodruff   Not available Video Video
25-36 1B.AdministrativeApprove the formation of an Ad Hoc Committee on Inclusivity and designate to serve on the committee no more than two members of the Board of Supervisors. (No Fiscal Impact)   Not available Video Video
25-5 1A.Public HearingPUBLIC HEARING - Sentinel LLC/Inglenook Residence Appeal Move to continue the public hearing for an appeal filed by Water Audit California (Appellant) to the Napa County Planning Commission’s decision on November 15, 2023, to approve a Use Permit Exception to the Conservation Regulations (No. P22-00404-UP) filed by Adobe Associates, Inc. on behalf of Niebaum-Coppola Estate Winery LP (Applicant) to allow a private access road to encroach into the creek setback in order to serve existing agricultural structures and a potential future residence. (No Fiscal Impact) (CONTINUED FROM DECEMBER 17, 2024. STAFF REQUESTS CONTINUANCE TO JANUARY 28, 2025.)   Not available Video Video
25-108 1A.Closed SessionPUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION (Government Code Section 54957) Title: County Executive Officer   Not available Video Video
25-109 1B.Closed SessionCONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION (Government Code section 54956.9(d)(1)) Alexis Davenport v. County of Napa California CRD Case No. 202312-22829901 / EEOC Charge No. 37A-2024001396   Not available Video Video