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File #: 22-2280    Version: 1
Type: Agreement Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 12/12/2022 In control: Board of Supervisors
On agenda: 1/24/2023 Final action:
Title: Director of Public Works requests approval the following easements necessary for the "Chiles Pope Bridge Replacement Project", RDS 15-23: 1. Approval and authorization for the Chair to sign a Purchase and Sale Agreement No. 230291B with Carter Randall Callahan and Lisa Michelle Cannon, as co-trustees of the Carter Callahan Living Trust, for the benefit of Carter R. Callahan, and others, for the value of $500 (Assessor's Parcel Number 025-440-002); 2. Approval and authorization for the Chair to sign a Purchase and Sale Agreement No. 230292B with Raja Financial Corp., for the value of $500 (Assessor's Parcel Number 025-440-047); and 3. Approval and authorization for the Chair to sign a Purchase and Sale Agreement No. 230293B with Julia Williams Hinshaw, for the value of $500 (Assessor's Parcel Number 025-440-003).
Attachments: 1. Callahan Cannon PSA, 2. Hinshaw PSA, 3. Raja PSA, 4. Project Budget Summary
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TO:                     Board of Supervisors

FROM:                     Steven Lederer - Director of Public Works

REPORT BY:                     James Reese, Associate Engineer

SUBJECT:                     Approval of Three Purchase and Sale Agreements in support of the Construction of “Chiles Pope Bridge Replacement Project”, RDS 15-23




Director of Public Works requests approval the following easements necessary for the “Chiles Pope Bridge Replacement Project”, RDS 15-23:

                     Approval and authorization for the Chair to sign a Purchase and Sale Agreement No. 230291B with Carter Randall Callahan and Lisa Michelle Cannon, as co-trustees of the Carter Callahan Living Trust, for the benefit of Carter R. Callahan, and others, for the value of $500 (Assessor’s Parcel Number 025-440-002);
                     Approval and authorization for the Chair to sign a Purchase and Sale Agreement No. 230292B with Raja Financial Corp., for the value of $500 (Assessor’s Parcel Number 025-440-047); and
                     Approval and authorization for the Chair to sign a Purchase and Sale Agreement No. 230293B with Julia Williams Hinshaw, for the value of $500 (Assessor’s Parcel Number 025-440-003).




The Chiles-Pope Valley Road Bridge (No. 21C0075) over Chiles Creek is located 2.1 miles north of the intersection with Highway 128 and Chiles-Pope Valley Road. This project will replace the existing structurally deficient and scour critical bridge. In order to construct the project, easements are required from the adjacent private property owners. With the easements secured, Napa County can complete the right-of-way certification, which is required to submit a request for authorization to proceed with construction.



Is there a Fiscal Impact?


Is it currently budgeted?


Where is it budgeted?

Fund 2040, Org 2040500 and Project 14010. In Fiscal Year 2016-17, the Board budgeted $892,024 from the Roads Fund to cash flow the consultant and County staff expenses during design/engineering. On March 22, 2022, the Board approved a budget transfer to allow the County to use the Accumulated Capital Outlay Fund (ACO) to cash flow the design and engineering. As always, we will work to maximize our reimbursement from Caltrans.  All reimbursements will be returned to the source of the original funds (Roads or ACO) for use on future projects.

Is it Mandatory or Discretionary?


Discretionary Justification:

The easements are needed to construct the bridge repairs.

Is the general fund affected?


Future fiscal impact:

If this project is not allowed to move forward Napa County may be required to return all funds that have previously been reimbursed by Caltrans.  If the project moves forward, the project will proceed at an 88.53% federal reimbursement.

Consequences if not approved:

The project will not proceed to the construction phase and further  damage at the foundations of the bridge could occur in later years, thus putting the safety of travelers on the bridge at risk.

County Strategic Plan pillar addressed:

Healthy, Safe, and Welcoming Place to Live, Work, and Visit



ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: The proposed action is not a project as defined by 14 California Code of Regulations 15378 (State CEQA Guidelines) and therefore CEQA is not applicable. On December 14, 2021, the Board adopted a Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Project.



The Napa County Public Works Department is responsible for maintaining 78 bridges that are included in the National Bridge Inventory. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) provides Highway Bridge Program (HBP) funding to replace bridges when needed and the State of California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) administers the HBP in California.

On August 20, 2012, Caltrans issued a letter requesting that local agencies review their public highway bridges for potential replacement, rehabilitation, or preventive maintenance and to take necessary actions to address any public safety issues and to extend the life of our bridge inventory. County staff evaluated fourteen (14) bridges and prioritized eight (8) bridges for the first phase of the HBP. Caltrans and the FHWA programmed HBP funding to replace seven bridges, including the Chiles Pope Valley Road Bridge over Chiles Creek (21C-0075).

The County built the Chiles Pope Valley Road Bridge in 1907 and widened it in 1950. The Bridge is approximately 2.1 miles north of Highway 128 and Caltrans identified the bridge as Structurally Deficient and Scour Critical. The Sufficiency Rating (SR) rating of 53.9 (on a scale of 100). Caltrans designated Chiles Pope Road Bridge Replacement as eligible for 88.53% HBP funding. The purpose of the project is to provide a safe, functional, and reliable crossing over Chiles Creek on Chiles - Pope Valley Road.

On December 22, 2021, Caltrans authorized the County to proceed with the right-of-way (ROW) acquisition phase of the project. During the project design, the consultant determined that temporary construction easements (TCE) on private property are required to construct the road and bridge. The purchase of these easements will allow the County to complete the right-of-way certification, which is required to submit a request for authorization to proceed with construction.

On July 10, 2018, the Board approved Resolution 2018-94, which established a procedure to waive the formal appraisal in cases involving the acquisition by sale or donation of property with a low fair market value. Pursuant to the resolution, Associated Right of Way Services, Inc. established a fair market value offer of $500 for each TCE on three properties. The property owners accepted the offer, County Counsel prepared a purchase and sale agreement, and the property owners signed it. This agenda item requests approval of and authorization for the chair to sign a Purchase and Sale Agreement and Temporary Construction Easement Deed with the following property owners:

                     CARTER RANDALL CALLAHAN AND LISA MICHELLE CANNON, AS CO-TRUSTEES OF THE CARTER CALLAHAN LIVING TRUST DATED JANUARY 17, 2019, for the benefit of CARTER R. CALLAHAN - Lisa Michelle Cannon, who is the property owners of Assessor’s Parcel Number (APN) 025-440-002.

                     RAJA FINANCIAL CORP - Carter Randall Callahan, who is the property owner of Assessor’s Parcel Number (APN) 025-440-047.

                     JULIA WILLIAMS HINSHAW, A MARRIED WOMAN, AS HER SOLE AND SEPARATE PROPERTY - Julia Williams Hinshaw, who is the property owners of Assessor’s Parcel Number (APN) 025-440-003

Our goal is to complete the regulatory permit process and right-of-way acquisitions in 2023, and to start
construction in the summer of 2024, so long as HBP construction funds are available. Even though Caltrans will reimburse 88.52% of the entire project expenses, Caltrans could determine that some expenses are not eligible for federal funding. Roads and ACO funds are being used to cash flow the project, and County staff submit invoices to Caltrans at least every six months. After Caltrans sends payments, the Roads and ACO funds will be reimbursed.

It is recommended that the Board approve the Purchase and Sales Agreements to secure the necessary TCE’s to construct the project.