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File #: 25-391    Version: 1
Type: Agreement Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 2/26/2025 In control: Board of Supervisors
On agenda: 3/11/2025 Final action:
Title: Approve and authorize Agreement No. 250340B with Napa Communities Firewise Foundation to project manage and implement the 2024 Local Hazard Mitigation Grant Program. (Fiscal Impact: $1,605,000 Expense; Fire Fund; Budgeted; Discretionary)
Sponsors: Board of Supervisors
Attachments: 1. Agreement
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TO: Board of Supervisors
FROM: David Shew, Fire Administrator
REPORT BY: J.R. Rogers, Assistant Fire Administrator
SUBJECT: Agreement with Napa Communities Firewise Foundation

Approve and authorize Agreement No. 250340B with Napa Communities Firewise Foundation to project manage and implement the 2024 Local Hazard Mitigation Grant Program. (Fiscal Impact: $1,605,000 Expense; Fire Fund; Budgeted; Discretionary)

Napa County has been preliminarily awarded the 2024 Pre-Disaster Mitigation Grant Program by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) through a congressional earmark by Congressman Mike Thompson. The grant requires the completion of environmental studies, allowed under pre-award, for final award. The grant award is $1,383,069, with local matching funds from Napa County in the amount of $461,023, totaling $1,844,092. The funds are targeted for the Lake Hennessey & Deer Park Fuel Reduction and Community Infrastructure Protection Project. These projects will span a total of three years, with two potential extensions of twelve months each.
The Lake Hennessey project is a 120.5 acre project designed to enhance the fire resiliency of the City of Napa Water Treatment Plant, that services much of the Napa Valley, and reduces fuel along an evacuation route that services the Conn Valley community. The Deer Park Fuel Reduction project services 84 acres on Glass Mountain removing dead and dying trees affected by the 2020 Glass Fire and creates a fuel break for the Deer Park Community and Adventist Health St. Helena Hospital.

As a part of the Pre-Award, a Request for Proposals (RFP) was created to select a consultant. The consultant would facilitate the environmental requirements of CEQA/NEPA for final award, project management for the life of the grant and to obtain right-of-entry agreements and contracts on a task order basis. Napa Communities Firewise Foundation (NCFF) was the lowest responsible bidder. NCFF shall ...

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