TO: Board of Supervisors
FROM: Steven Lederer - Director of Public Works
REPORT BY: Danielle Goshert - County Surveyor
SUBJECT: Accept Dedication of Right-of-Way for Road Purposes (Big Ranch Road)
Approve and authorize a Certificate of Acceptance for additional right-of-way for Big Ranch Road to accommodate a recently constructed left turn lane for the Materra Winery project. (No Fiscal Impact; Discretionary)
On August 10, 2022, Cunat Premium Vineyards, LLC recorded an Irrevocable Offer of Dedication (Instrument Number 2022-0015259) providing additional right-of-way for road purposes over and across portions of their land lying adjacent to Big Ranch Road. This dedication accommodates a road widening that was necessitated by the required installation of a left turn lane for access to Materra Winery (Condition of Approval 9.5 of Use Permit Major Modification No. P20-00184-MOD). The improvements were constructed as required and the County may now accept this offer of dedication and incorporate this additional right-of-way into the County-maintained road system.
The property dedicated to the County will be added to the existing Big Ranch Road right-of-way. There is no change in total mileage of the County's road system since Big Ranch Road is an already-recognized right-of-way. Additionally, there is no fiscal impact associated with this action because staff determines road maintenance expense by the length of the road and this action yields no change to the length of Big Ranch Road being maintained. Approval and authorization of this Certificate of Acceptance will acknowledge the completion of the required work performed for the Materra Winery project and will allow the County to take on continued maintenance of this improvement to the public right-of-way of Big Ranch Road.
Is there a Fiscal Impact?
Is the general fund affected?
Future fiscal impact:
Consequences if not approved...
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