TO: Board of Supervisors
FROM: Steven Lederer, Director of Public Works
REPORT BY: Mark Witsoe, Airport Manager
SUBJECT: Grant of Easement to Pacific Gas & Electric Company at Napa County Airport
Director of Public Works requests approval of and authorization for the Chair to sign an Easement Deed in favor of Pacific Gas & Electric Company (PG&E) for an area of approximately 5,000 square feet on Napa County Airport property to allow for the installation of an underground electrical line.
Commercial agreements with Napa Jet Center, Inc. and SkyServiceUS California, LLC ("Lessees"), were approved by the Board on December 6, 2022. The agreements established multi-party commitments to redevelop the airport terminal areas. The County committed to redevelop the leaseholds into a condition suitable for the Lessees to build their customer lobbies and large aircraft hangars. As an incidental part of the County work, County coordinated with PG&E for the relocation of electrical distribution to facilitate development. The proposed easement allows PG&E to change a pole and add new underground lines as a prerequisite for certain County project work elements.
Is there a Fiscal Impact?
Is it currently budgeted?
Is it Mandatory or Discretionary?
Discretionary Justification:
The Napa County Airport committed to relocating certain utilities, clearing the way for both fixed base operators' (FBO) Lessee development efforts. This PG&E project and Easement is necessary to comply with BOS executed contracts with both entities, to be completed in Spring 2024.
Is the general fund affected?
Future fiscal impact:
None. Easement and PG&E project is no cost to the County as this project is along a public road and benefits several PG&E customers.
Consequences if not approved:
The existing easement and PG&E Equipment will remain in place and upcoming FBO development will not be possible.
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