TO: Napa County Planning Commission
FROM: Brian D. Bordona, Director of Planning, Building and Environmental Services
REPORT BY: Emily Hedge, Planner III - (707) 259-8226
SUBJECT: Hendry Winery, Use Permit Major Modification Application #P15-00173-MOD
CEQA Status: Consideration and possible adoption of a Negative Declaration. According to the proposed Negative Declaration, the proposed project would not have any potentially significant environmental impacts. The project is not included on a list of hazardous materials sites compiled pursuant to Government Code Section 65962.5. (State Clearinghouse Number: 2025020413)
Request: This application was processed under the County's Code Compliance Program as described in Resolution No. 2018-164 adopted by the Napa County Board of Supervisors on December 4, 2018. The proposal is to grant a modification to Use Permit No. 97506-UP and subsequent modifications, to recognize and approve items that are out of compliance with permitted entitlements and for expansion beyond existing entitlements. Project components include an increase in the number of employees, daily visitation, marketing events, the addition of on-premises consumption of wine produced on-site, parking, and necessary infrastructure improvements and upgrades. Additionally, installation of a new well on the parcel across Redwood Road to be used exclusively to serve the winery property. The Winery Parcel, APN 035-120-031, is located on an approximately 60.7-acre parcel at 3104 Redwood Road, within the AP (Agricultural Preserve) zoning district, with a General Plan designation split between AR (Agricultural Resource) and AWOS (Agriculture, Watershed and Open Space). The Well Parcel, APN 035-120-030, is an approximately 35.26-acre parcel within the AW (Agricultural Watershed) zoning district, with a General Plan designation split between AR (Agricultur...
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