TO: Board of Supervisors
FROM: Amanda Gibbs, Chief Probation Officer
REPORT BY: Ferlyn Buenafe, Staff Services Manager
SUBJECT: Agreement with B.I. Correctional Services, Inc. (BI)
Approve and authorize Agreement No. 240275B with B.I. Correctional Services, Inc. for the term March 1, 2024 through June 30, 2026 to provide cognitive-based interventions and evidence-based programming for youth in custody. (Fiscal Impact: $149,757; General Fund; Budgeted; Discretionary)
As part of a competitive procurement process for professional services in accordance with County purchasing policy, Probation issued a Request for Proposal (RFP) on October 25, 2023, to obtain the services of a qualified consultant(s), to provide, coordinate, and administer cognitive-based interventions and evidence-based programming for youth in custody at the Probation Department's Camp Program (Camp) and the co-located Juvenile Hall.
Camp is an in-custody treatment program for youth who are experiencing challenges resulting in the need for a higher level of care and residential treatment. The Camp will provide local treatment options for youth that allow youth to remain in the community and stay connected to their pro-social and family support system. It will allow youth to continue to receive educational services and support from the Napa County Office of Education and Napa Unified School District to allow for continued evidence-based treatment services from providers with whom they already have an established relationship.
Two companies submitted responses to the RFP and were scored to a predetermined weighted criteria, company history, experience, qualifications, approach to scope of work, and pricing. Probation selected BI to coordinate, deliver, and oversee programming and services with an evidence-based, trauma-informed care approach to ensure programming meets each youth where they are in their motivation for change and, from that starting point, ...
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