TO: Board of Supervisors
FROM: Ryan J. Alsop, County Executive Officer
REPORT BY: Jennifer Palmer, Director of Housing & Homeless Services
SUBJECT: Agreement No 240143B with Generation Housing
Director of Housing & Homeless Services requests the following:
1. Approval of and authorization for the Chair to sign Agreement No 240143B with Generation Housing, a non-profit corporation, for a maximum amount of $110,000 for the term July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2024, for professional services to develop comprehensive reports for key aspects of the local housing system; and
2. Approval of a Budget Adjustment increasing appropriation by $110,000 in Consulting Services in Affordable Housing (Fund 2080, Org 2080000, Object 52310) with use of available fund balance.
(4/5 vote required)
Generation Housing (Gen H) is a non-profit organization focused on providing public education for decision-makers and policymakers about housing policy solutions to improve the housing system. Gen H conducts research, develops reports and acts as a convener to align diverse local interests around effective housing solutions to meet local and regional housing goals. Approval of today's action will authorize the production of two reports (State of Housing in Napa County Report and Napa County Housing Needs and Production Roadmap) which together will provide a comprehensive overview of key aspects of the local housing system, including baseline metrics for housing stock, household data, housing production, and projected housing needs aligned to regional housing inventory, and authorize the related increase in appropriation using available fund balance budget adjustment to establish the contract.
Is there a Fiscal Impact?
Is it currently budgeted?
Where is it budgeted?
Approval of the item will establish appropriation in Fund 2080 using available fund balance.
Is it Mandatory or Discretionary?
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