TO: Board of Supervisors
FROM: Brian D. Bordona, Director of Planning, Building, and Environmental Services
REPORT BY: Trevor Hawkes, Supervising Planner
SUBJECT: Introduction and intention to adopt an Ordinance amending the Napa County Code for Titles 17 (Subdivisions) and 18 (Zoning), to bring the Code into alignment with current State law and the County's recently certified Housing Element to the General Plan.
PUBLIC HEARING - Ordinance Amending Napa County Code
Introduction and intention to adopt an Ordinance amending the Napa County Code for Titles 17 (Subdivisions) and 18 (Zoning), to bring the Code into alignment with current State law and the County's recently certified Housing Element to the General Plan. (No Fiscal Impact)
To implement the recently adopted County Housing Element and in response to numerous recent legislative changes to State housing law, staff from the PBES Department and County Counsel, as well as outside legal consultants, prepared a series of recommended draft amendments to the Napa County Code.
On July 17, 2024, the Planning Commission held a study session to review the recommended changes, take any public comments, and provide direction regarding the proposal. There were no public comments. At that time, the Commission directed staff to revise the draft ordinance to require that medium residential care facilities obtain a Use Permit in the AP (Agricultural Preserve) and AW (Agricultural Watershed) Zones. Staff incorporated the Commission's direction into the draft ordinance and made other, technical changes to ensure the ordinance conforms with State law. The Planning Commission considered the revised draft ordinance on August 7, 2024, and unanimously recommended that the Board of Supervisors adopt the draft ordinance. There was no public comment on the item, although the Commission received several letters regarding the designation of housing along Foster Road, which had already been ap...
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