TO: Board of Supervisors
FROM: Christine Brice?o, Director of Human Resources
REPORT BY: Joy Cadiz, Staff Services Manager
SUBJECT: Adoption of a Resolution Amending the Table and Index of Classes, Appropriate Personnel Policies and the Departmental Allocation List for the Probation Department
Director of Human Resources and Chief Probation Officer request adoption of a Resolution amending the Table and Index of Classes, Appropriate Personnel Policies, and the Departmental Allocation List for the Probation Department, by adding 1.0 full-time equivalent (FTE) Probation Administrative Manager and deleting 1.0 FTE Staff Services Manager and 0.5 FTE Juvenile Hall Counselor I/II, effective December 9, 2023, with a decrease in FTE, and net savings to the County General Fund.
If approved, this request amends the Table and Index of Classes, Appropriate Personnel Policies, and Departmental Allocation List by adding a 1.0 FTE Probation Administrative Manager and deleting a 1.0 FTE Staff Services Manager and deleting a 0.5 FTE Juvenile Hall Counselor I/II within the Probation Department.
Is there a Fiscal Impact?
Is it currently budgeted?
Is it Mandatory or Discretionary?
Discretionary Justification:
As a result of new legislation, there has been an increase in administrative requirements and new processes that need to be developed and administered including victim restitution. This position is required to perform such duties which are above the currently allocated classification.
Is the general fund affected?
Future fiscal impact:
The increased cost of salaries and benefits for the remainder of Fiscal Year 2023-2024 for the Probation Administrative Manager is approximately $5,350 ($12,000 annually), offset by deletion of a vacant 0.5 FTE Juvenile Hall Counselor I/II with an annualized decreased cost estimated at $60,000 which will be budgeted accordingly in future fis...
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