TO: Board of Supervisors
FROM: Brian D. Bordona, Director of Planning Building & Environmental Services
REPORT BY: Akenya Robinson-Webb, Code Compliance Supervisor
SUBJECT: Annual Code Compliance Division Update
Director of Planning, Building, and Environmental Services will provide an update on the Code Compliance program for FY 22/23.
The County is committed to maintaining the quality of life in Napa County and the Code Compliance Division assists in that effort through obtaining compliance through enforcing multiple State and local laws and regulations. Through education and enforcement, the Code Compliance Division achieves the abatement of violations that may constitute threats to public health and safety or may cause significant environmental damage. In this way, the Division gives meaning to the permits and approvals issued by the other divisions of PBES.
Because the County is large and staffing is limited, the Code Compliance division operates primarily through responsive enforcement, where staff investigates complaints received by the public in confidence. However, the Division also operates through proactive enforcement of building violations, the Use Permit Compliance Program, transient occupancy enforcement, and the Neighborhood Property Improvement Program. These programs either involve violations discovered by staff or self-reported by property owners. While no program can identify all code violations, the Division's goal is to combine responsive enforcement with proactive enforcement to provide meaningful and effective reach across the County.
This update seeks to provide the Board with an overview of the Code Compliance program as well as highlight notable accomplishments during FY 22/23. Staff will also outline several goals for the future of the code compliance program, which staff intends to bring to the Board in 2024.
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