TO: Napa-Vallejo Waste Management Authority Board of Directors
FROM: Chris Celsi, Executive Director
REPORT BY: Chris Celsi, Executive Director
SUBJECT: C&D Facility Construction Loan and Term Length
DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Staff is seeking direction from our Board to pursue a loan and term
length for the construction of a proposed Construction and Demolition building at the Devlin Road Transfer
Station property. In addition, staff is also asking the Board to consider adjusting the required Operational
Capital Reserve Policy levels to allow the Authority to reduce the amount of funds needed for borrowing. If
directed, staff will evaluate and return with an analysis and recommendations.
The Napa Vallejo Waste Management Authority proposes to develop a new facility for processing Construction
& Demolition (C&D) waste materials at its Devlin Road Transfer Station (DRTS) facility in American Canyon.
The Authority owns the Devlin Road Transfer Station located at 889 Devlin Road in the City of American
The transfer station receives municipal solid waste for processing and transfer to a long-term disposal
site. The transfer station is operated by Northern Recycling Operations and Waste Services, LLC, under the
terms of a contract with the Authority.
The current operation includes separate processing of waste materials originating from construction and
demolition sites to recover recyclable products. This process is currently conducted in an open area of the site
and is exposed to public view and to the weather. The Authority desires to move the process into a dedicated
building to; improve employee and customer safety, remove it from public view, help control dusts and odors,
increase recovery of recyclables, and improve the quality of storm water runoff from the site. The goal is to
cover and partially enclose a working area of approximately 133,000 sq. ft. and provide associated site
The ...
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