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File #: 25-194    Version: 1
Type: Resolution Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 1/23/2025 In control: Board of Supervisors
On agenda: 2/25/2025 Final action:
Title: Adopt a Resolution; establish a capital asset; approve and authorize Grant Agreement No. 250312B with the City and County of San Francisco; and approve a Budget Amendment to participate in the Urban Area Security Initiative administered by Bay Area Urban Area Security Initiative Fiscal Year 2024 grant program to enhance interoperable communications and regional preparedness. (Fiscal Impact: $70,000 Revenue & Expense; General Fund; Not Budgeted; Discretionary) [4/5 vote required]
Sponsors: Board of Supervisors
Attachments: 1. Resolution, 2. Agreement
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TO: Board of Supervisors
FROM: Sheriff Oscar Ortiz, Director of Emergency Services
REPORT BY: Angel Hernandez, Emergency Services Officer
SUBJECT: Resolution and Agreement to Participate in the UASI FY24 Grant

Adopt a Resolution; establish a capital asset; approve and authorize Grant Agreement No. 250312B with the City and County of San Francisco; and approve a Budget Amendment to participate in the Urban Area Security Initiative administered by Bay Area Urban Area Security Initiative Fiscal Year 2024 grant program to enhance interoperable communications and regional preparedness. (Fiscal Impact: $70,000 Revenue & Expense; General Fund; Not Budgeted; Discretionary)
[4/5 vote required]

Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI) is a program under the Homeland Security Grant Program to enhance regional preparedness in major metropolitan areas throughout the United States. The UASI program directly supports expanding regional collaboration and is meant to assist participants in their creation of regional systems for prevention, protection, response, and recovery. The San Francisco Bay Area has been designated as one of the ten high-risk areas (Tier 1) in the United States. As a surrounding county, Napa County is included as a Bay Area UASI regional partner and is eligible to receive funds under this program. The City and County of San Francisco is the grantee for these funds and is responsible for executing subgrant agreements for the distribution of the funds to jurisdictions within the region that apply by submitting project requests.

Napa County has been awarded a $70,000 grant to purchase seven (7) P25-compliant portable radios for the American Canyon Police Department (ACPD), which currently relies on radios loaned from Vallejo Police Department to communicate across jurisdictions and provide mutual aid assistance. These new radios will enhance ACPD's ability to share real-time information, intelligence, and updates, improv...

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