TO: Board of Supervisors
FROM: Brian D. Bordona - Director of Planning, Building and Environmental Services Department
REPORT BY: Sean Trippi - Supervising Planner
SUBJECT: Ascent Environmental, Inc. Agreement
Approve and authorize Agreement No. 250326B with Ascent Environmental, Inc. to conduct an Environmental Impact Report, in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act, for the proposed Napa Valley Logistics Center project (No Fiscal Impact; Discretionary).
On November 18, 2022, Barrel Ten Quarter Circle Land Company ("Applicant"), filed a Use Permit Application (P22-00392-UP) to construct two light industrial buildings totaling approximately 984,524 sf on 11 parcels totaling approximately 63.23 acres. The Applicant also submitted a tentative map (P24-00048-TM) on February 27, 2024, to create two lots of approximately 40.88 and 22.35 acres to accommodate the proposed development. The project site is located between Highway 29 and Devlin Road, north of Fagan Creek within in the boundaries of the Napa Valley Business Park Specific Plan in unincorporated Napa County, California. (Assessor's Parcel No. 057-240-019, -020, -021, -022, -023, -024, -025, -026, -027, & -029)
After submittal of the development applications, the Applicant, in consultation with staff, elected to have an Environmental Impact Report ("EIR") prepared for the proposed project. Approval of this Agreement will allow the County to retain Ascent Environmental, Inc. ("Ascent"), an environmental consulting firm, for purposes of assisting the County in preparing the EIR that will identify potential effects on the environment that could occur as a result of the project. In accordance with County policy, the Applicant will be responsible for funding the full contract amount plus costs related to staff management of the consultant. The Applicant will be required to submit a deposit in the amount of 20-percent of the contract dollar amount prior to...
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