TO: Board of Supervisors
FROM: Steven Lederer - Director of Public Works
REPORT BY: Dewey Phan - Assistant Engineer
SUBJECT: Budget Amendment for 2026 Bridge Preventive Maintenance Project, RDS 26-02
Approve and authorize creation of Capital Improvement Project 25016 for the "2026 Bridge Preventive Maintenance Project," RDS 26-02 and approve a Budget Amendment in the amount of $200,000 for design. (Fiscal Impact: $200,000 Expense; SB1 Non-Operating Special Revenue Fund; Not Budgeted; Discretionary)
[4/5 vote required]
The Napa County Department of Public Works maintains 78 bridges that are included in the National Bridge Inventory (NBI) and Caltrans inspects the bridges every two to four years. Caltrans Structure Maintenance and Investigations bridge inspectors prepare Bridge Inspection Reports (BIR) for each bridge with recommendations for maintenance and repairs. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) funds cost-effective means of extending the useful life of bridges in the NBI, which is much less expensive than replacing a bridge.
In 2021, Biggs Cardosa and Associates prepared a prioritized five-year plan of cost-effective routine bridge maintenance, including project descriptions, cost estimates and the Bridge Preventive Maintenance Plan (BPMP) to submit to Caltrans. In August 2021, County staff reviewed the list and applied for $2.1 million in Highway Bridge Program (HBP) funding for preventive maintenance on the following bridges:
1. Berryessa-Knoxville Road Bridge over Pope Creek
2. Berryessa-Knoxville Road Bridge over Putah Creek
3. Pope Canyon Road Bridge over Pope Creek
The recommendations include placing a seal on the bridge deck to protect the reinforcement bars from corrosion, placing scour protection, patching spalls in the concrete, replacing bridge joint material, and repairing bridge barrier rails. Caltrans allocated $1,785,000 in HBP funding for construction in 2026. Napa County would p...
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