TO: Housing Authority Commissioners
FROM: Jennifer Palmer, Executive Director of Housing Authority
REPORT BY: Alex Carrasco, Staff Service Analyst
SUBJECT: Acceptance of Housing Authority Donation Report for Quarter Ending December 31, 2023
Acceptance of donation report for quarter ending December 31, 2023 (No Fiscal Impact; Discretionary)
The Napa County Housing Authority (Authority) is a public housing authority established pursuant to California Health and Safety Code section 34200 et seq., is the owner of three farmworker centers (Centers) located in Napa County. In accordance with Article VI of the Authority’s donation policy, at the end of each quarter, Authority staff prepare a report to the Board for any donations received and declined in the aggregate amount per occurrence. The report must include: the name of the donor, total value of the donations received or declined, the name of the center receiving donation and the name of center utilizing the donation. For the quarter ending December 31, 2023, the Centers received a total of $3,824 in donations.
Is there a Fiscal Impact? |
No |
Is it currently budgeted? |
No |
Where is it budgeted? |
Fund 5060 |
Is it Mandatory or Discretionary? |
Discretionary |
Discretionary Justification: |
Facilitate fiscal monitoring and ensure donation spending is consistent with intent of donors. |
Is the general fund affected? |
No |
Future fiscal impact: |
Certain donations may require preventative maintenance, which staff will monitor and budget for accordingly. |
Consequences if not approved: |
Noncompliance with donation policy. |
ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: The proposed action is not a project as defined by 14 California Code of Regulations 15378 (State CEQA Guidelines) and therefore CEQA is not applicable.