TO: Napa County City Selection Committee
FROM: Neha Hoskins - Clerk of the Board/Secretary of the City Selection Committee
REPORT BY: Neha Hoskins - Clerk of the Board/Secretary of the City Selection Committee
SUBJECT: Appoint Alternate to the Napa County Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) South Valley Seat
Appoint City of American Canyon Mayor Pierre Washington to finish the term as Alternate to the South Valley Seat on the Napa County Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) to commence immediately and expire on May 1, 2027.
LAFCO is charged with encouraging the orderly formation and development of local agencies in a manner that preserves agricultural and open-space lands, promotes the efficient extension of municipal services, and prevents urban sprawl. Napa County LAFCO consists of two Members and one Alternate representing the County appointed by the Board of Supervisors from its own membership; two Members and Alternates representing the Cities and Town via the North Valley and South Valley Seats in the County, each of whom must be a City/Town elected official appointed by the Committee; and one member representing the general public appointed by the other four members on LAFCO.
California Government Code Section 56335 requires the Committee to make appointments to expiring LAFCO positions. The Committee's own Policy No. 2014-1 (NCCSC) provides a rotation schedule for the appointment of the Member and Alternate positions to the North Valley and South Valley Seats. For the South Valley Seat, the rotation is between the Cities of Napa and American Canyon.
On January 30, 2023, the City Selection Committee appointed City of Napa Vice Mayor Beth Painter as the Member and City of American Canyon Vice Mayor Mariam Aboudamous as the Alternate with terms commencing on May 2, 2023 and expiring on May 1, 2027. However, since Vice Mayor Aboudamous did not seek re-election for her Vice Mayor/Council...
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