TO: Board of Supervisors
FROM: Sheryl Bratton, County Counsel
REPORT BY: Ryan FitzGerald, Deputy County Counsel
SUBJECT: Adoption of Resolution Updating the County's Conflict of Interest Code
PUBLIC HEARING - Conflict of Interest Code
Open and move to continue the public hearing for an amendment to the County's Conflict of Interest Code. (No Fiscal Impact)
Gov. Code section 87300 requires the County to approve, update, and maintain a Conflict of Interest Code ("COIC"). The COIC must designate all County employees who make or participate in making governmental decisions and identify the specific financial interests that these decisions could potentially affect. Employees designated on the COIC are required to file a Statement of Economic Interests (also known as a "Form 700") disclosing those financial interests that could potentially be affected by the decisions they make on the job.
In 1980, the Board of Supervisors adopted a COIC for the County of Napa (Resolution No. 80-47) and the COIC has been periodically updated. No later than July 1 of each even numbered year, the County is required to review its Code and amend it, if necessary, due to changed circumstances. Changed circumstances include, but are not limited to, the creation of new positions and relevant changes in the duties assigned to existing positions.
The Political Reform Act of 1974 requires that the biennial COIC review be carried out under procedures which guarantee to county officers, employees, members, consultants and residents have adequate notice and a fair opportunity to present their views. To comply with this requirement, the Board of Supervisors adopted procedures to follow when reviewing and amending the COIC (Resolution 98-145). That Resolution requires the following actions:
1. Solicit recommendations from each department head regarding how the COIC should be amended to reflect ch...
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