TO: Board of Supervisors
FROM: Steven Lederer - Director of Public Works
REPORT BY: James Reese, Associate Engineer
SUBJECT: Approval of Three Purchase and Sale Agreements in support of the Construction of "Chiles Pope Bridge Replacement Project", RDS 15-23
Director of Public Works requests approval the following easements necessary for the "Chiles Pope Bridge Replacement Project", RDS 15-23:
1. Approval and authorization for the Chair to sign a Purchase and Sale Agreement No. 230291B with Carter Randall Callahan and Lisa Michelle Cannon, as co-trustees of the Carter Callahan Living Trust, for the benefit of Carter R. Callahan, and others, for the value of $500 (Assessor's Parcel Number 025-440-002);
2. Approval and authorization for the Chair to sign a Purchase and Sale Agreement No. 230292B with Raja Financial Corp., for the value of $500 (Assessor's Parcel Number 025-440-047); and
3. Approval and authorization for the Chair to sign a Purchase and Sale Agreement No. 230293B with Julia Williams Hinshaw, for the value of $500 (Assessor's Parcel Number 025-440-003).
The Chiles-Pope Valley Road Bridge (No. 21C0075) over Chiles Creek is located 2.1 miles north of the intersection with Highway 128 and Chiles-Pope Valley Road. This project will replace the existing structurally deficient and scour critical bridge. In order to construct the project, easements are required from the adjacent private property owners. With the easements secured, Napa County can complete the right-of-way certification, which is required to submit a request for authorization to proceed with construction.
Is there a Fiscal Impact?
Is it currently budgeted?
Where is it budgeted?
Fund 2040, Org 2040500 and Project 14010. In Fiscal Year 2016-17, the Board budgeted $892,024 from the Roads Fund to cash flow the consultant and County staff expenses during design/engineering. On March 22, 2022, the Board appro...
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