TO: Board of Supervisors
FROM: Jennifer Yasumoto, Director of Health and Human Services Agency
REPORT BY: Jennifer Ivancie, Staff Services Analyst I
SUBJECT: Agreement No. 240260B with Puertas Abiertas Community Resource Center
Approve and authorize Agreement No. 240260B with Puertas Abiertas Community Resource Center for a contract maximum of $9,710 to obtain training, outreach, and interpretation services related to engagement with indigenous Mesoamerican community members. (Fiscal Impact: $9,710 expense; Health and Human Services Agency Fund, Public Health Division; Budgeted; Discretionary).
Over the last year, Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA) has seen an increase in indigenous Mesoamerican individuals in our community who are accessing or in need of services. At the same time, outreach and engagement with underserved populations has been identified as a gap in HHSA's recent strategic planning process and Community Health Assessment. To provide culturally appropriate engagement and services to indigenous Mesoamerican community members, education, training, and in-person bilingual and bicultural support are needed.
Puertas Abiertas Community Resource Center (Puertas) is uniquely positioned to provide the above services given their trusted relationship with Movimiento Cultural de la Union Indigena (MCUI), a local network of indigenous Mesoamerican interpreters and trainers. This partnership will enable HHSA to more effectively target public health education and enhance its engagement and service delivery with this population of community members. This agreement also enables HHSA to host and participate in a community outreach event specifically designed to authentically engage and connect indigenous Mesoamerican community members with our various services and other local resources.
This aligns with HHSA's Strategic Plan objectives to increase access by reducing language and cultural barriers and, even more specif...
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