TO: Board of Supervisors
FROM: Neha Hoskins - Clerk of the Board
REPORT BY: Paulette Cooper - Deputy Clerk of the Board II
SUBJECT: Appointments to the Napa County Behavioral Health Board
Appoint Elizabeth H. Marks representing Family Member of Consumer, and Sandra J. Oliva representing Consumer, to the Napa County Behavioral Health Board, with terms of office to commence immediately and expire on January 1, 2028. (No Fiscal Impact)
There are currently three vacancies due to resignations and updated membership requirements on the Napa County Behavioral Health Board. The County Executive Office advertised the vacancies and received two applications from Elizabeth H. Marks and Sandra J. Oliva.
On March 12, 2024, the Board adopted Resolution No. 2024-23, which consolidated the Advisory Board on Drug and Alcohol Programs and Mental Health Board into the Napa County Behavioral Health Board to provide a more effective and efficient oversight of all services provided by Behavioral Health.
On February 4, 2025, the Board adopted Resolution No. 2025-12, which amended the Napa County Bylaws Manual Part II, Section 8 Behavioral Health Board, due to new legislation mandating that at least one member of the Behavioral Health Board (BHB) be 25 years of age or younger and must be a consumer, or a family member of a consumer who has received or is receiving behavioral health services, and that a minimum of one member of the Behavioral Health Board (BHB) be an employee of a Local Educational Agency (LEA).
The authority of the Napa County Behavioral Health Board is established pursuant to the Bronzan-McCorquodale Act which may be found at Part 2 of Division 4.7 of the California Welfare and Institutions Code (commencing at section 5600 et seq.).
The purposes of the Behavioral Health Board are as follows:
1. Review and evaluate the county's mental health and substance use disorder needs, services, facilities, and special problems.
2. ...
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