TO: Board of Supervisors
FROM: Jon Gjestvang - Chief Information Office, Information Technology Services
REPORT BY: Julia Bordona - Staff Services Manager
SUBJECT: Request Approval of an MOU with Comcast for FFA Grant Funding for Broadband Deployment Projects
County Executive Officer, Chief Information Officer and Director of Library Services and Community Outreach request the following actions related to the implementation of Broadband solutions:
1. Approval of and authorization for the Chair to sign Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) No. 8667 with Comcast Cable Communications, LLC (Comcast) for the pursuit of funding for Broadband deployment projects effective September 12, 2023 which shall continue to the later of the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) review period or, if awarded, 36 months from the date of award; and
2. Approval of and authorization for the Chair to sign a Letter of Support for Comcast's grant application to the Federal Funding Account (FFA) for an award to financially assist with Last Mile Broadband deployment.
The County Broadband team has worked on various Broadband tasks since the last update to the Board of Supervisors in June 2022. This work included commencing activities on a County Broadband Strategic Plan with Tilson, working with the North Bay-North Coast Broadband Consortium (NBCBC) on Broadband digital equity (DE) education and outreach to residents in the consortium's four counties, and seeking future Broadband funding and project opportunities with the Rural County Representatives of California's (RCRC) Golden State Connect Authority (GSCA). The County's Broadband team also continues its efforts to recruit a full-time Broadband Project Manager.
Today's request is approval of an MOU with Comcast to seek California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) administered funds for the deployment of Last Mile Broadband to those residents who are underserved as noted in the Coun...
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