TO: Board of Supervisors
FROM: Brian Ham, County Division Fire Chief
REPORT BY: Stacie McCambridge, Staff Services Manager
SUBJECT: Air Instrumentation Agreement
Approve and authorize Agreement No. 250333B with Air Instrumentation, Inc. for a maximum of $7,036 to supply, maintain and service air monitors that are used by the Napa County Fire Department. (Fiscal Impact: $7,036 Expense; Fire Fund; Budgeted; Discretionary)
Napa County Fire currently uses Air Instrumentation for services to maintain County-owned air sensors and monitors used by the Napa Interagency Rescue Team. Hazardous materials incidents can expose emergency responders to dangers that require the use of air-monitoring instruments to operate safely. These dangers can include thermal, radiation, and oxygen concentrations and chemical hazards that are not visible to the naked eye. The equipment is an essential tool for those emergency responders who respond initially to an incident involving potential chemical exposures in an anoxic or flammable atmosphere. These monitors warn of the percentage of the toxic exposure allowing the emergency responders to secure the area.
The vendor provides services to ensure County-owned hazardous materials monitoring equipment so that it is calibrated and maintained to recognized standards and requirements. This service is required by the law and by the manufacturers.
The County Fire Department has worked with Air Instrumentation in the past which is why this agreement requires board authorization. Staff is requesting a service agreement for the term July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025, with a roll over clause. The effective date reflects dates of services provided prior to the agreement being in place. There was a delay in signing due to insurance requirements.
Requested Action:
1. Approve and authorize an agreement with Air Instrumentation, Inc. for a maximum of $7,036 for the term July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2...
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