TO: Napa County Flood Control and Water Conservation District
FROM: Richard Thomasser - District Manager
REPORT BY: Andrew Butler - District Engineer
SUBJECT: Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 250025B (FC) with Joshua A. and Melissa E. Green Revocable Trust Under Instrument dated July 21, 2009
Approve and authorize Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 250025B (FC) with Joshua A. and Melissa E. Green Revocable Trust Under Instrument dated July 21, 2009, increasing the maximum amount of compensation by $6,000 to a new total of $36,800 for certain real property, including one Flood Protection Levee Easement, one Slope Easement and one Temporary Construction Easement on property located at 2444 Shoreline Drive (APN 044-301-023), Napa California. (Fiscal Impact: $36,800 Expense; Flood Project; Budgeted; Discretionary)
The Napa River/Napa Creek Flood Protection Project covers 6.9 miles of the Napa River, as well as 0.6 miles of the Napa Creek. Components of this project include widening the river channel through the creation of both marsh plain and floodplain terraces adjacent to the river, replacing several bridges, including the railroad bridge over the Napa River, and the creation of a bypass channel through downtown Napa. The overall project requires the acquisition of property interests on approximately 300 parcels of land.
The Floodwalls North of the Bypass Project (Project), the next phase of the larger Napa River/Napa Creek Flood Protection Project, extends approximately 1 mile along the west bank of the Napa River from the River Terrace Inn on the south end to the Elks Grove Townhomes to the north. Major components of the Project include a setback concrete or sheet pile floodwall along the bank of the river, improved scour protection under the Lincoln Ave bridge, completing the floodwall on the north side of the dry bypass channel, and construction of a public trail south of Lincoln Avenue that will connect the existing N...
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