TO: Board of Supervisors
FROM: Christine Brice?o, Director of Human Resources
REPORT BY: Joy Cadiz, Staff Services Manager
SUBJECT: Adoption of a Resolution Amending the Departmental Allocation List for Health & Human Services and Budget Amendments
Adopt a Resolution to amend the Departmental Allocation List for the Health & Human Services Agency effective March 2, 2024 and approve a Budget Amendment. (Fiscal Impact: $550,000 annual expense; HHSA Fund and General Fund; Budgeted and Not Budgeted; Discretionary)
[4/5 vote required]
1. Self Sufficiency Services Division
a. The CalWORKs Housing Support Program (HSP) was established by SB 855 (Chapter 29, Statutes of 2014) to assist homeless CalWORKs families in quickly obtaining permanent housing and to provide wrap-around supports to families to foster housing retention. The Housing and Disability Advocacy Program (HDAP) was established in 2016 to assist people experiencing or at risk of homelessness who are likely eligible for disability benefits by providing advocacy for disability benefits as well as housing supports.
For Fiscal Year 2023/24, 56 families enrolled in HSP and 19 individuals in HDAP. The current Employment Services Worker allocation works with program participants to obtain employment; however, the program services require a different scope of duties. The requested Social Worker II position can provide the necessary interventions to assist families stay together in a safe environment and work toward removing barriers to housing and is the appropriate classification to ensure program services are provided to these families/individuals.
Fiscal Impact: The reduced cost of salary and benefits for the remainder of the fiscal year of approximately $4,600 fully funded by HSP, HDAP, and the CalWORKs Single Allocation. The annualized reduced cost of salary and benefits is approximately $18,600 annually and will be budgeted for accordingly.
b. Napa County has ap...
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