TO: Board of Supervisors
FROM: Christine Brice?o, Director of Human Resources
REPORT BY: Joy Cadiz, Staff Services Manager
SUBJECT: Adoption of a Resolution Amending the Departmental Allocation List for Information Technology Services, a Division of the County Executive Office
Adopt a Resolution to amend the Departmental Allocation List for Information Technology Services, a Division of the County Executive Office, with no net increase to full-time equivalents, effective January 18, 2025. (No Fiscal Impact; Discretionary)
In 2017, Information Technology Services (ITS) began the digitization project which has successfully reduced the records center inventory by 50% and has completed several departmental projects. The digitization team is currently digitizing records for the Clerk of the Board, District Attorney's Office, and Planning, Building & Environmental Services.
The digitization team is comprised of five extra help Office Assistants who are led by a limited term Senior Office Assistant. The Senior Office Assistant's role on this team extends beyond managing the scanning process. The Senior Office Assistant leads the team, provides training, serves as a liaison with the ITS Records team, and facilitates communication with various departments for the scanned documents in OnBase, the electronic database.
Over the last seven years, the digitization project has transitioned from being a temporary initiative to an essential and permanent function within ITS which is evident by the steady flow of County records that require processing and scanning. Additionally, the digitization team expects to encounter an influx of documents stored within various departments as they reorganize under the facilities master plan.
The Senior Office Assistant is a limited term position with an expiration date of May 25, 2025, and has been budgeted through the end of the fiscal year. With digitization efforts shifting from projects to a perm...
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