TO: Board of Supervisors
FROM: Ryan J. Alsop, County Executive
REPORT BY: Daniel Sanchez, Senior Management Analyst
SUBJECT: Five-Year Forecast and Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan
Receive a presentation on the Five-Year General Fund Revenue and Expenditure Forecast, and the Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan. (No Fiscal Impact; Discretionary)
Five-Year Forecast:
As part of the County's annual budget process, the Board reviews the five-year forecast. This presentation is intended to highlight any financial trends in revenues and expenses that help inform the upcoming budget process. The projects provided in the five-year forecast are high-level assumptions and are intended to reflect general financial trends to inform policy. This is not intended to establish preliminary budget figures nor to present an accounting of fund balances.
The Napa County Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) for Fiscal Year 2025-26 through 2029-30 provides direction to plan and manage capital assets, infrastructure and facility needs. The plan also allows the county to better understand the ongoing maintenance needs.
Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan:
Approving the Five-Year CIP does not appropriate funding for any specific projects or assets. Funding for individual projects and assets will occur with the annual budget process. The CIP is a planning document to inform budget decisions. Funds required to support the projects have either been previously approved by the Board or will be presented to the Board to be approved within the budget process. The plan is designed to preserve or enhance facilities and, in some cases, provide new facilities to respond to changing service needs. The document will be updated each year and presented to the board.
The General Fund is currently projected to provide approximately $50,000,000 during five years of The Plan. The projects that the General Fund will support include a portion of the Animal ...
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