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File #: 25-298    Version: 1
Type: Agreement Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 2/10/2025 In control: Board of Supervisors
On agenda: 2/25/2025 Final action:
Title: Approve and authorize Agreement No. 250321B for a contract maximum of $265,263, and Agreement No. 250322B for a contract maximum of $261,333, with ADKO Engineering Inc., for the Mount Veeder MPM 3.5 and Mount Veeder MPM 5.2 Slide Repair projects, respectively; and approve a Budget Amendment. (Fiscal Impact: $616,596 Expense; Capital Improvement Projects Fund; Not Budgeted; Discretionary) [4/5 vote required]
Sponsors: Board of Supervisors
Attachments: 1. Agreement 250321B, 2. Mount Veeder 3.5 Budget Summary, 3. Agreement 250322B, 4. Mount Veeder 5.2 Budget Summary
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TO: Board of Supervisors
FROM: Steven Lederer, Director of Public Works
REPORT BY: Frank Lucido, Engineering Manager
SUBJECT: Approve Professional Service Agreements with ADKO Inc., and Budget Amendment for the "Mount Veeder mile post marker (MPM) 3.5 Repair Project", PW 25-18 and the "Mount Veeder MPM 5.2 Repair Project", PW 25-19

Approve and authorize Agreement No. 250321B for a contract maximum of $265,263, and Agreement No. 250322B for a contract maximum of $261,333, with ADKO Engineering Inc., for the Mount Veeder MPM 3.5 and Mount Veeder MPM 5.2 Slide Repair projects, respectively; and approve a Budget Amendment. (Fiscal Impact: $616,596 Expense; Capital Improvement Projects Fund; Not Budgeted; Discretionary)
[4/5 vote required]

On November 20, 2024, a 72-hour storm event started at Napa County that eventually caused two slides on Mount Veeder. The slide at MPM 3.5 has partially damaged a lane while the slide at MPM 5.2 has completely damaged a lane. Both sites are currently able to accommodate 1-way traffic. Heavy rain that occurred in early February of this year has caused additional movement and until April there is risk of further damage at both sites. The estimated cost to repair the damage is just over $2 million at each site, however until geotechnical drilling, surveying and initial design is complete this number can vary.

Requested Actions:
1. Approve and authorize Agreement No. 250321B for a contract maximum of $265,263 with Adko Inc. for the Mount Veeder MPM 3.5 project;
2. Approve and authorize Agreement No. 250322B for a contract maximum of $261,333 with Adko Inc. for the Mount Veeder MPM 5.2 project;
3. Approve a Budget Amendment for the following (4/5 vote required):
a. Increase Transfer-Out appropriations by $315,263 in the Capital Improvement Projects Fund, (Fund 3000, Sub-Division 3000000, Account 56100) offset by use of its available fund balance to fund project 25021;
b. Increase Cons...

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