TO: Board of Supervisors
FROM: Steven Lederer - Director of Public Works
REPORT BY: James Reese, P.E. - Associate Engineer
SUBJECT: Amendment to Professional Services Agreement No.170727B for Biggs Cardosa Associates, Inc. for the Chiles-Pope Valley Road Bridge Replacement Project, RDS 15-23
Director of Public Works requests the following regarding the Chiles Pope Valley Bridge Replacement Project, RDS 15-23 for a total of $105,275:
1. Approval of and authorization for the Chair to sign Amendment No. 2 to Agreement No. 170727B with Biggs Cardosa Associates, Inc. (BCA) to increase the maximum compensation by $105,275, for a new maximum of $1,152,950 for offsite mitigation, hazardous material surveys and additional permitting services; and
2. Approval of a Budget Adjustment for the following (4/5 vote required):
a. Increase Transfers Out appropriations by $105,275 in the Measure T Non-Operating Special Revenue Fund (Fund 2440, Sub-Division 1220053, Account 56100) to transfer to Project 14010 offset by use of its available fund balance; and
b. Increase Construction Services appropriations by $105,275 in Project 14010 (Fund 2040, Sub-Division 2040500, Project 14010, Account 52360) offset by Transfers-In revenue from the Measure T Non-Operating Special Revenue Fund.
The Chiles Pope Valley Road Bridge over Chiles Creek is over 110 years old and is in need of a replacement. Caltrans has identified the bridge is structurally deficient, scour critical and located in a seismically active region. The existing bridge is an Off-System bridge and the replacement is eligible for 88.53% Highway Bridge Program (HBP) funding.
This Amendment is to cover off-site mitigation, hazardous material surveys and additional permitting services. The $105,275 proposal to accomplish this added work is included within this Agreement (attached). Our goal is to begin construction in 2024.
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