TO: Board of Supervisors
FROM: Steven Lederer, Director of Public Works
REPORT BY: Graham Wadsworth, P. E., Engineering Supervisor
SUBJECT: Program Supplement Agreement with Caltrans for the design of the Conn Valley Road Bridge over Conn Creek Project, RDS 24-17
Adopt a Resolution to authorize submission of a Program Supplement Agreement to Caltrans and related actions to secure and implement Federal Highway Bridge Program Funding to manage and design the Conn Valley Road Bridge over Conn Creek Project. (No Fiscal Impact; Discretionary)
The Napa County Department of Public Works maintains 78 bridges that are included in the National Bridge Inventory (NBI) and Caltrans inspects the bridges every two to four years. Caltrans Structure Maintenance and Investigations bridge inspectors prepare Bridge Inspection Reports (BIR) for each bridge with recommendations for maintenance and repairs. On May 16, 2021, Caltrans identified Bridge 21C0077 as functionally obsolete with a sufficiency rating of 31.6 out of 100.
The existing bridge is approximately 37 feet long, 20 feet wide, carries Conn Valley Road over Conn Creek, and is approximately four miles east of Silverado Trail and 500 feet west of Greenfield Road. In 1920, Napa County built a concrete and steel girder bridge on a curve in Conn Valley Road. In 1946, Napa County built a reinforced concrete T-girder bridge on top of the existing bridge with steel pipe bridge barrier rails that do not meet current design standards.
In October 2023, Caltrans programmed $900,000 of Highway Bridge Program (HBP) Funding for the Preliminary Engineering Phase of the project, which included design, environmental review, and permitting. Adopting the attached resolution will allow the County to request reimbursement from Caltrans for 100% of the eligible and participating expenses up to the award of the construction contract.
On September 13, 2024, Caltrans and County staff conducted a Field R...
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