TO: Board of Supervisors
FROM: Jon Gjestvang, Chief Information Officer - Information Technology Services
REPORT BY: Elena Guzm?n, Staff Services Analyst
SUBJECT: Board Chambers Audio Video System Upgrade
Chief Information Officer, Director of Public Works, and County Executive Officer request the following actions related to the design and installation of upgrading the Audio/Video (A/V) system for the Board of Supervisors chambers (4/5 vote required):
1. Approval to establish a new Capital Improvement Project 24006, "Board Chambers A/V Upgrade" PW 23-36 (Fund 3000, Org 3000500) in the amount of $60,000;
2. Approval to establish two (2) Capital Assets for a total of $24,300, which includes one (1) Video Production Editing Module $17,200; and one (1) Tricaster Control Panel $7,100 (Fund 4200, Org 4200000, Object 55400); and
3. Approval of Budget Adjustment to increase intrafund transfer out appropriations by $236,850 in the Public Television Educational and Governmental Funds (PEG) (Fund 2150, Org 2150000) offset by the following:
a. Increasing intrafund transfer in by $60,000 in the Capital Improvement Project (CIP) 24006, "Board Chambers A/V Upgrade" PW23-36 (Fund 3000, Org 3000500), while also increasing appropriations;
b. Increasing intrafund transfer in by $24,300 for the Capital Assets (Fund 4200, Org 4200000, Object 55400), while also increasing appropriations; and
c. Increasing intrafund transfer in by $152,550 for additional free-standing fixtures and equipment, not part of the CIP or Capital Assets (Fund 4200, Org 4200000, Object 53410), while also increasing appropriations.
The Napa County Board of Supervisors chambers audio video system is outdated and needs upgrading. The current A/V equipment being utilized to run the meetings for the Board of Supervisors, Planning Commissions, and various other County meetings was last updated eight years ago. This update is needed for the meetings to operate...
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