TO: Board of Supervisors
FROM: Steven Lederer, Director of Public Works
REPORT BY: Graham Wadsworth, P.E., Engineering Supervisor
SUBJECT: Approval of Amendment 2 to Purchase and Sale Agreement No. 230226B in support of the Construction of the Dry Creek Road Bridge over Dry Creek Replacement Project, RDS 15-22
Approve and authorize Amendment 2 to Purchase and Sale Agreement No. 230226B with Anna M. Baker, Melissa R. Baker, and Mercedes C. Baker, as Trustees of the Karen Louise Baker Bypass Trust (Assessor's Parcel Number 027-530-003) and increase the maximum compensation by $1,000 for a new maximum of $6,000 to extend the duration of the temporary construction easement for the Dry Creek Road Bridge over Dry Creek Replacement Project. (Fiscal Impact: $1,000 Expense; Roads Fund; Budgeted; Discretionary)
The Dry Creek Road Bridge over Dry Creek (0.8 miles west of Mt. Veeder Rd.) is over 100 years old. Caltrans identified the bridge is structurally deficient, functionally obsolete, and unstable due to scour under the north abutment. The substructure of the existing bridge has cracking and weathering of the mortar in the joints of the stone masonry abutments. The top section of the retaining wall near the north abutment has broken away and is leaning outward horizontally. The width is only 18 feet between the barriers, which does not meet the AASHTO standard of 11-foot minimum lanes.
The proposed bridge structure would consist of an approximately 80-foot-long by 32-foot-wide single- span concrete slab bridge on pre-cast and pre-stressed concrete girders. The project also includes 900 feet of new roadway to remove two curves in Dry Creek Road. County staff anticipates that the contractor will build the project in four stages to minimize the disruption to traffic and this would require work in Dry Creek over two summers. On September 20, 2024, Caltrans authorized Napa County to proceed with construction and our goal is to commen...
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