TO: Board of Supervisors
FROM: Neha Hoskins - Clerk of the Board
REPORT BY: Paulette Cooper - Deputy Clerk of the Board II
SUBJECT: Appointment to the Napa County Community Corrections Partnership Executive Committee
Appoint one of the following applicants to represent Community-Based Organization on the Napa County Community Corrections Partnership Executive Committee (CCP) with a terms of office to commence immediately and expire on June 30, 2027. (No Fiscal Impact)
Amber Twitchell
Aaron E. Mosley
There is currently one opening due to a resignation on the Napa County Community Corrections Partnership Executive Committee (CCP). The County Executive Office advertised the opening and received two applications from Amber Twitchell and Aaron E. Mosley to represent Community-Based Organization.
The purpose of the Community Corrections Partnership is to advise the Probation Department on the development and implementation of a "Community Corrections Program," as provided for in the Community Corrections Performance Act of 2009 (California Penal Code Sections 1228 through 1233.7), and to recommend a "local plan" to the Board of Supervisors for the implementation of the 2011 public safety realignment, as provided for in Section 1230.1 of the Penal Code.
The CCP consists of 13 members with the following composition as required by law:
1. Chief Probation Officer
2. District Attorney
3. Sheriff
4. Public Defender
5. Presiding Judge of the Superior Court, or designee
6. The Director of Health & Human Services
7.The Deputy Director of Health & Human Services for Mental Health/Mental Health Director
8. The Deputy Director of Health & Human Services for Alcohol and Drug Programs
9. The County Superintendent of Schools
10. A County Supervisor, or the County Executive Officer, or a designee of the Board of Supervisors (appointed by the Board of Supervisors)
11. A Chief of Police
12. An individual who represents the interests of vi...
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