TO: Board of Supervisors
FROM: Brian D. Bordona, Director of Planning, Building and Environmental Services
REPORT BY: Charlene Gallina, Supervising Planner
SUBJECT: Hillwalker Vineyards Winery Appeal
PUBLIC HEARING - 2:00 PM Hillwalker Vineyards Winery Appeal
Conduct a public hearing to consider an appeal filed (P24-00237-APL) by Water Audit California (Appellant) to the Napa County Planning Commission's decision on August 21, 2024 to: 1) Adopt the revised Mitigated Negative Declaration; and 2) Approve Use Permit No. P23-00101-UP, Use Permit No. P23-00239-UP (an Exception to the Conservation Regulations), and an Exception to the Napa County Road and Street Standards (RSS) filed by Kevin Morrison (Applicant). (No Fiscal Impact; Mandatory)
The matter before the Board involves an appeal filed by the Appellant concerning the Hillwalker Vineyards Winery and the decisions made by the Napa County Planning Commission on August 21, 2024, to (1) adopt the revised Mitigated Negative Declaration and (2) approve Use Permit No. P23-00101-UP, Use Permit No. P23-00239-UP (an Exception to the Conservation Regulations), and an Exception to the Napa County Road and Street Standards (RSS) filed by Kevin Morrison (Applicant).
The project is located at 1871 Mount Veeder Road, Napa (APN 034-110-047). Access to the property is through APNs 034-100-020, 034-100-043, and 034-110-059. The property has an AW (Agricultural Watershed) zoning district and Agriculture, Watershed and Open Space (AWOS) general plan designation.
On August 30, 2024, a timely Notice of Intent to Appeal was filed by the Appellant, and a timely appeal packet was submitted on September 16, 2024 (the Appeal) (Attachment A). Staff responses to the Appeal are in Attachment B.
Documents associated with Use Permit No. P23-00101-UP, Use Permit No. P23-00239-UP (Conservation Exception), the RSS Exception and this appeal record (No. P24-00237-APL) ar...
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