TO: Board of Supervisors
FROM: Steven Lederer, Director of Public Works
REPORT BY: Frank Lucido, Engineering Manager
SUBJECT: Approve Professional Service Agreements with ADKO Engineering, Inc., for the "Rossi Road Bridge Repair Project", RDS 25-25 the "Ridgecrest Slide Repair Project", RDS 25-26 and the "Redwood Road Mile Post Marker (MPM) 2.3 Slide Repair Project", RDS 25-27.
Approve and authorize Agreement No. 250353B for $348,447 for the Rossi Road Bridge Repair Project, Agreement No. 250352B for $209,443 for the Ridgecrest Slide Repair Project and Agreement No. 250354B for $229,972 for the Redwood Road MPM 2.3 Slide Repair Project with ADKO Engineering, Inc., (Fiscal Impact: $787,862 Expense; Roads Capital Improvement Projects Fund; Budgeted; Discretionary)
In early February of 2025, a storm event caused significant damage around Napa County. The County Board ratified a local emergency proclamation on February 18, 2025, and approved $2,000,000 in funding for the Rossi Road Bridge Repair Project, $1,500,000 for the Ridgecrest Slide Repair Project and $1,500,000 for the Redwood Road MPM 2.3 Slide Repair Project.
County workers responded to these sites and worked overnight to stabilize the roadway at Ridgecrest and Redwood Road but had to close Rossi Bridge, which is the only public access to a business and 7 or 8 residences as the site was too unstable. A private property owner has since been allowing local traffic some access through their property. On February 7, 2025, public works staff notified ADKO Engineering, Inc., who was previously selected in a request for qualifications process for storm repair projects, that drilling and surveying of the three sites was needed as soon as possible but to prioritize the Rossi work. After letting the Rossi site dry out for a couple weeks, road crews have been able to remove some oversaturated soil, a collapsed culvert and at the time of this writing started to place temporary...
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