TO: Board of Supervisors
FROM: Steve Lederer - Director of Public Works
REPORT BY: Daniel Basore - Engineering Supervisor
SUBJECT: Approval of a Professional Service Agreement with G.H.D. INC
Approve and authorize Agreement No. 240285B with G.H.D. INC. for a maximum of $467,493 for design and construction administration services needed to support the "North County Crossroads Paving Project," RDS 24-08. (Fiscal Impact: $467,493; Roads Fund; Budgeted; Discretionary)
[4/5 vote required]
On February 6th, 2024 the Board of Supervisors approved and authorized creation and design funding of Project 24021 for the "North County Crossroads Paving Project," RDS 24-08. Through a Request for Qualifications based process G.H.D. was selected as the most qualified team for engineering and other services relevant to completing state and locally funded road related projects.
The roads to be included in the project are as follows:
Bale Lane (0.70 miles)
Bennet Lane (2.2 miles)
Dunaweal Lane (0.81 miles)
Larkmead Lane (1.29 miles)
Lodi Lane (0.53 miles)
Old Lawley Toll Road (1.1 miles)
Silverado Trail, Larkmead Lane to Deer Park Road - Digouts/Crack Seal only (4.14 miles)
Tubbs Lane (1.1 miles)
Total Miles: 11.9 Miles
Construction is planned for Spring and Summer of 2024.
Requested Action:
1. Approval of and authorization for the chair to sign Professional Services Agreement No. 240285B with G.H.D. INC. for $467,493 for design and construction administration services.
Is there a Fiscal Impact?
Is it currently budgeted?
Where is it budgeted?
Project 24021
Is it Mandatory or Discretionary?
Discretionary Justification:
The proposed Professional Service Agreement will provide design and construction administration services needed to support the North County Crossroad paving project.
Is the general fund affected?
Future fiscal impact:
Staff will return at a later date to request a...
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