TO: Board of Supervisors
FROM: Steven Lederer, Director of Public Works
REPORT BY: Frank Lucido, Engineering Manager
SUBJECT: Award a Construction Contract and Budget Amendment for the "Jail Transition Project," PW 22-30
Approve award of the Jail Transition Project, PW 22-30, to MVP Construction; and approve a Budget Amendment. (Fiscal Impact: $498,500, Expense; Capital Improvement Projects Fund; Not Budgeted; Discretionary)
[4/5 vote required]
The new jail site is scheduled to open in a few months. After inmates are moved to the new location there will be a need to be transport inmates downtown for court appearances. To accommodate this process until a new downtown court holding facility is constructed, the existing jail will be reconfigured to accept inmates and hold them during the day. Modifications will be made to the security electronics system, the fire alarm system and most of the locks. Some of this work such as ordering special locks has already taken place. Ordering other long lead items and relocating part of the control room can take place before inmates are moved to the new jail. Replacing and relocating locks on much of the first floor and basement will need to happen immediately (within two days) after the inmates are moved. The remaining work such as removing locks in nonsecure areas, mothballing cells and fire alarm system modifications will be completed in the weeks after the move.
On September 12, 2023, the Board approved $190,000 in funding to start design of the project. On October 15, 2024, the board approved an additional $100,000 to provide funding to order locks and some equipment which can take up to 4 months to obtain and advertising the project which began on November 19, 2024. Several contractors registered to review the project, and four contractors attended the mandatory job walk but only one bid in the amount of $334,800 was received on February 6, 2025, from MVP Construction LLC. This...
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