TO: Board of Supervisors
FROM: Neha Hoskins - Clerk of the Board
REPORT BY: Paulette Cooper - Deputy Clerk of the Board II
SUBJECT: Appointment to the Napa County Juvenile Justice Coordinating Council
Appoint Ines Deluna to represent a Non-Profit, Community Based Organization Providing Services to At-Risk Minors on the Napa County Juvenile Justice Coordinating Council with term of office to commence immediately and expire on December 31, 2026. (No Fiscal Impact)
There is currently one opening due to a resignation on the Napa County Juvenile Justice Coordinating Council. The County Executive Office advertised the opening and received one application from Ines Deluna.
The Board of Supervisors adopted Resolution 01-02 on January 9, 2001, establishing the Juvenile Justice Coordinating Council (JJCC) pursuant to Section 749.22 of the California Welfare and Institutions Code. There are sixteen members of the JJCC, which includes four public members appointed by the Board of Supervisors. The purposes of the JJCC are as follows:
a. To advise the Chief Probation Officer in the development of the proposed expenditure plan for funds provided under the Comprehensive Youth Services Act and to advise the Chief Probation Officer with respect to compliance with all statutory State and Federal guidelines and regulatory requirements;
b. To develop and submit to the Board of Supervisors a Comprehensive Multi-Agency Juvenile Justice Plan in accordance with the requirements of the Crime Prevention Act of 2000 and all guidelines and requirements of the State Board of Corrections; and
c. To develop methods of monitoring expenditure of funds, to ensure quality of services provided and to evaluate the outcome effectiveness of services and programs funded under the Comprehensive Youth Services Act (Chapter 3.2 of Part 6 of Division 9 of the Welfare and Institutions Code) and any other juvenile justice expenditures as the Board of Supervisors may ...
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