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File #: 25-193    Version: 1
Type: Report Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 1/22/2025 In control: Napa-Vallejo Waste Management Authority
On agenda: 2/13/2025 Final action:
Title: 1. Approval and authorization for Executive Director to execute two change orders totaling $55,720.40 with Benchmark Civil Construction, Inc. for the ACSL Leachate Line Improvement project, for a new contract total of $336,200.82. 2. Approval and authorization to amend and increase the Capital Project Budget Item 25801 - ACSL Leachate Line Improvement from $300,000 to $370,000.
Attachments: 1. Change Order #1.pdf, 2. Change Order #2 (Page 1).pdf, 3. Change Order #2 (Page 2).pdf, 4. Change Order #2 (Page 3).pdf, 5. Change Order #2 (Page 4).pdf, 6. Change Order #2 (Page 5).pdf
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TO:                     Napa-Vallejo Waste Management Authority Board of Directors

FROM:                     Chris Celsi, Executive Director

REPORT BY:                     Chris Celsi, Executive Director

SUBJECT:                     Change Orders and Budget Amendment for the American Canyon Sanitary Landfill Leachate Line Improvement Project



1. Approval and authorization for Executive Director to execute two change orders totaling $55,720.40 with Benchmark Civil Construction, Inc. for the ACSL Leachate Line Improvement project, for a new contract total of $336,200.82.

2. Approval and authorization to amend and increase the Capital Project Budget Item 25801 - ACSL Leachate Line Improvement from $300,000 to $370,000.




On October 10, 2024, the Board authorized award of a contract to Benchmark Civil Construction for the American Canyon Sanitary Landfill (ACSL) Leachate Line Improvement Project in the amount of $280,480.42. The leachate lines collect fluids draining from the ACSL and carry the fluids to the wastewater system for treatment. The Project involved installation of a leachate line cleanouts, pressure testing, concrete curb and gutter replacement, concrete sidewalk replacement, moisture compaction of subgrade, and asphalt pavement replacement. Most of the work occurred in the public right-of-way of the City of American Canyon.

During construction Benchmark discovered that portions of the leachate line system were not in the locations where they were supposed to be, and/or much deeper than expected. Benchmark incurred additional labor and material costs in locating the leachate lines, avoiding other utilities, dewatering some trenches during construction, and bringing in additional base rock to protect the leachate lines. Benchmark also incurred additional labor and equipment costs locating and clearing a blockage in the leachate lines. The additional work is further described in two change orders included with this item, totaling $55,720.40 which the Executive Director is requesting permission to execute.

The request to increase the Capital Project Budget Item amount is in response to the change orders and the potential of additional work that may be requested by the City of American Canyon. Currently, the Capital Budget Item for ACSL Leachate Line Improvement - 25801 is $300,000. The change orders will bring the total contract amount to $336,200.82, which exceeds the current budget. The City of American Canyon is considering whether the leachate line cleanouts should be identified as such, potentially be welding identifying information onto the metal covers. This is additional work not contemplated as part of the Project, which would require another change order to compensate Benchmark. The Executive Director is therefore requesting the budget be increased by $70,000 in case additional work is required by the City of American Canyon, bring the total budget $370,000.


Is there a Fiscal Impact?


Is it currently budgeted?


Is it Mandatory or Discretionary?


Is the general fund affected?


Future fiscal impact:


Consequences if not approved:

Invoices for services provided cannot be paid.



ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: The proposed action is categorically exempt from CEQA pursuant to CEQA Guidelines section 15301, as the repair and maintenance of existing public facilities involving negligible or no expansion of existing or former use.