TO: Board of Supervisors
FROM: Steven Lederer, Director of Public Works
REPORT BY: Sydney Barclay, Associate Engineer
SUBJECT: Approval of Amendment No. 4 for the PSA with ADKO Engineering; and a Budget Amendment for Chiles Pope Valley Road MPM 3.63 (RDS 22-27) and Silverado Trail at Bell Canyon Creek (RDS 23-37).
Approve and authorize Amendment No. 4 to Agreement No. 230084B with ADKO Engineering, Inc increasing the maximum compensation by $215,975 for a new contract total of $588,781 for additional engineering design and support services; authorize contract change orders to the contract with Bridgeway Civil Constructors Inc.; and approve a Budget Amendment for Annual Guardrails, Project 23006. (Fiscal Impact: $375,000 Expense; SB-1 Non-Operating Special Revenue Fund; Not Budgeted; Discretionary)
[4/5 vote required]
The Chiles Pope Valley Rd MPM 3.63 Project (RDS 22-27) and Silverado Trail at Bell Canyon Creek Project (RDS 23-37) are two different project activities that are utilizing the same project number, 23006. On August 9, 2022, Napa County entered into Agreement No. 230084B with ADKO to obtain engineering design and consulting services for the Chiles Pope Valley Rd MPM 3.63 and Silverado Trail at Bell Canyon Creek projects. Since the original agreement, the County has issued three (3) amendments to the Agreement due to the evolving scope required for both projects. On June 30, 2024, the Agreement with ADKO Engineering expired; however, work on the above-mentioned projects continues and this Board item is needed to extend the agreement by another two (2) years, increase the maximum compensation under the Agreement, and provide ADKO with necessary funding for construction support to complete these projects. Additionally, this Board Letter requests engineering support budgets for the Chiles Pope Valley Rd MPM 3.63 project and the Silverado Trail at Bell Canyon Creek projects.
The Chiles Pope Valley Rd MPM 3.63 project started off as a guardrail replacement project, however, after further inspection, the existing culvert located below the guardrails was eroded and incapable of handling the flows of lower Chiles Creek. The Chiles Pope Valley Road MPM 3.63 project required hydraulic, geotechnical, archaeological, and biological studies to determine the most suitable repair to the culvert at this location. As a result of these studies, the County will be removing existing concrete wingwalls at the project site, constructing new concrete wingwalls on each side of the culvert (upstream and downstream), pouring a concrete slab approach at the inlet of the culvert, providing rock slope protection at the outlet of the culvert, and providing safety improvements on the roadway, which include new guardrails and concrete bridge barriers. Moreover, because these repairs will occur within the channel and banks of lower Chiles Creek, the United States Army Corps of Engineers, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, and the San Francisco Regional Water Quality Control Board required the County to obtain permits. These agencies have implemented strenuous requirements on the Chiles Pope Valley Road MPM 3.63 Project and require Tribal Monitoring, Biological Studies and Monitoring, and the implementation of a five (5) year Restoration Planting Plan, which has resulted in the County’s need to increase ADKO’s project scope and additional funding for County project management. This project will move into construction in the Summer of 2025.
The Silverado Trail Bridge over Bell Canyon Creek Project also started off as a guardrail replacement project, but after further inspection, the existing guardrails onsite were too low and would be incapable of meeting current safety standards without widening the bridge and the roadway shoulder and the project scope was adjusted to include bridge widening to accommodate new concrete bridge barriers and guardrails. A construction contract in the amount of $418,285 was awarded and to date only about $15,000 has been spent on change orders. Although the project is nearing completion, an unforeseen concrete structure that is roughly four feet below the roadway and extending twenty feet from the bridge has made drilling for the guardrail nearly impossible. The most cost effective and practical solution that will allow for the installation of guardrail is to construct a new concrete barrier and extend the length to a location that avoids the buried structure. The exploratory work performed to date to locate the hidden concrete structure and also extend the bridge over the existing abutments has resulted in some slope instability, which will require slope protection on nearby soil to abate erosion. The Director of Public Works has authority to execute individual change orders up to $33,414 on this project but the County estimates that constructing the additional concrete wall and installing a specialized crash cushion that meets current codes and standards will exceed this amount. The exact cost is not available from the contractor, and waiting for the estimate would delay the project and result in additional costs to the County which is the reason for this request authorizing the Director of Public Works to sign a change order up to $90,000 for the new guardrail extension. An additional $50,000 is being requested in part for the guardrail issue but also to cover other potential unforeseen problems that can arise prior to project completion. If used, this extra contingency budget could raise the total amount of contingency used from 25 to 32% of total project cost and also requires board approval. For the reasons listed above, the project will require an increased budget for construction contingency, construction management, and engineering services, to complete this construction project safely and sufficiently. Board adoption of the findings expanded upon in this Board item; namely that changed conditions exist and public bidding would not produce an advantage and would be inappropriate, impractical, and not in the County’s best interest due to the circumstances discussed in this Board item.
Requested Actions:
1. Approve and authorize Amendment No. 4 for Agreement No. 230084B with ADKO Engineering, Inc increasing the total compensation under the Agreement by $215,974 for a new contract total of $588,781 for additional engineering design and support services for the Silverado Trail at Bell Canyon Creek Bridge and Chiles Pope Valley Road MPM 3.63 Projects ($203,533 will be allotted to the “CHILESPOPE” Activity and $12,442 will be allotted to the “ST_BELL” Activity);
2. Authorization for the Director of Public Works to sign contract change orders to the contract with Bridgeway Civil Constructors Inc. for a maximum not to exceed amount of $90,000 to respond to unexpected circumstances during construction for the Silverado Trail Bridge over Bell Canyon Creek construction project; and
3. Approve a Budget Amendment for the following (4/5 vote required):
a. Increase Transfer Out appropriations by $375,000 in the SB-1 Non-Operating Special Revenue Fund (SB-1) (Fund 2440, Sub-Division 1220052, Account 56100) offset by use of its available fund balance to be transferred to Project 23006; and
b. Increase Engineering Services appropriations by $109,025, Consultant Services appropriations by $215,975, and Construction Services appropriations by $50,000 in Project 23006 (Fund 2040, Sub-Division 2040500, Accounts 52145, 52310, and 52360) offset by transfer-in revenue from SB-1.
Is there a Fiscal Impact? |
Yes |
Is it currently budgeted? |
No |
Is it Mandatory or Discretionary? |
Discretionary |
Discretionary Justification: |
These projects improve the safety of those utilizing Silverado Trail and Chiles Pope Valley Road. Improvements for the Chiles Pope Valley Road MPM 3.63 project will also ensure the existing bridge and culvert crossing do not wash out this emergency route. Funding will supplement construction-related support services. |
Is the general fund affected? |
No |
Future fiscal impact: |
Silverado Trail at Bell Canyon Creek will complete construction in FY 2024-25. Chiles Pope Valley Road MPM 3.63 will begin and complete construction in FY 2025-26; moreover, the regulatory agency permits require a five (5) year mitigation and monitoring plan that will be completed by FY 2030-31. |
Consequences if not approved: |
If the amendment to the Agreement with ADKO is not approved and additional funding is not provided, the Chiles Pope Valley Road at MPM 3.63 projects will not be able to complete construction. |
ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: Consideration and possible adoption of a Categorical Exemption Class 1: It has been determined that this type of project does not have a significant effect on the environment and is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act. [See Class 1 (“Existing Facilities”) which may be found in the guidelines for the implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act of 14 CCR §15301; see also Napa County’s Local Procedures for Implementing the California Environmental Quality Act, Appendix B].