TO: Board of Supervisors
FROM: Steven Lederer, Director of Public Works
REPORT BY: Juan Arias - Deputy Director of Public Works
SUBJECT: Soscol Ferry Road/Devlin Road Roundabout Project
Approve Purchase and Sale Agreement No. 250175B with Samer Daoud Ishaq and Sana Samer Ishaq, as Trustees of the SS Ishaq Trust dated June 8, 2006, and Suhail Ishaq and Christine Ishaq, as Trustees of the SC Ishaq Trust dated May 21, 2007; approve Agreement No. 250176B with GHD for design services; adopt a Resolution approving a loan from the Capital Improvement Projects Fund to the Traffic Mitigation Fund-Airport Industrial budget; and approve a Budget Amendment for the Soscol Ferry Road/Devlin Road Roundabout Project. (Fiscal Impact: $235,648 Expense; Capital Improvement Projects Fund; Not Budgeted; Discretionary)
[4/5 vote required]
On December 15, 2020 the Board of Supervisors authorized the Chair to sign an agreement with GHD for the design of the Soscol Ferry Road at Devlin Road Intersection Roundabout Project. Significant progress has been made in the design of the project and in the right of way acquisition process and staff anticipates construction of the project will begin in the spring of 2025. It is necessary to enter into a Sale and Purchase Agreement to obtain right of way from one property owner. Approval is also requested for a new contract with GHD (their old contract expired) who has been working on the project since its inception, and to augment the project budget due to additional design costs and to fund this property acquisition.
The Airport Industrial Area Specific Plan (AIASP) was adopted by the Board of Supervisors on July 29, 1986, to provide for the orderly development of the area around Napa County Airport. The Specific Plan recommended the development of a mechanism for sharing the costs of needed road and intersection improvements among all development within the planning area. These improvements include the extension of Devlin Road and capacity/operational improvements at several intersections, as well as the local share of the cost of major improvements to the State Route 29/12/221 (Soscol Junction) and State Route 29/12 (Airport Junction) intersections. The AIASP was formally renamed the Napa Valley Business Park (NVBP) by action of the Board of Supervisors on October 23, 2013.
The Traffic Mitigation Fee program was adopted in December 1990 and has been used since that time as the noted cost-sharing mechanism. The fee was established under the authority of Section 66000 et seq. of the Government Code, the Mitigation Fee Act. The AIASP also includes improvements to the Soscol Ferry Road and Devlin Road intersection. The AIASP originally called for a signalized intersection project, however, current conditions and the Soscol Junction Project make a signalized intersection impractical and undesirable, and a roundabout a much better option from a traffic engineering and safety perspective.
On December 15, 2020 the Board of Supervisors approved for the Chair to sign an agreement with GHD, for a maximum of $359,436 for the term December 8, 2020 through June 30, 2021 with an automatic rollover extension provision for two additional years for the design of the Soscol Ferry Road at Devlin Road Intersection Roundabout Project The Board also approved a budget transfer of $420,000 from the Traffic Mitigation-Airport Industrial Non-Operating Special Revenue Fund (TMF) to fund the design of the project. On August 17, 2021 the Board approved the project conceptual design and adoption of a resolution approving the Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the project in order for the project to move forward into the final design, right of way and construction phases.
On March 22, 2022 the Board approved of and authorized for the Chair to sign Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 210222B with GHD, Inc. increasing the amount by $293,450 for a new maximum of $652,886 amending the scope of work to include additional civil engineering and associated design services required by the de-coupling of the County project from the Soscol Junction Interchange Project as well as additional surveying and mapping, right of way and utilities and environmental permitting services required to deliver the project; and a budget transfer of $400,000 to cover these additional costs as well as additional project management costs.
On May 16, 2023 the Board approved a budget transfer in the amount of $350,000 to include additional civil engineering and associated design services due to a longer design period triggered by Caltrans requirements through their review of the project as well as changes required by property owners who are to provide the required right of way to build the project. The additional services were covered under an existing on-call agreement number 210324B with GHD. The on-call agreement expired on June 30, 2024.
Since then the project has made much progress in the final design and right of way acquisition phases.
Because the on-call agreement expired, it is necessary to enter into a new agreement with GHD in the amount of $122,926 to continue providing services for the design and right of way phase of the project. It is anticipated that the design and right of way phases of the project will be completed in the fall of this year and that the project will be let out for construction bids by the end of the year and construction start in the spring of 2025. Further services will be needed from GHD to complete the project, so the County intends to amend this agreement again after the additional scope is known and funding is identified.
Approval of the proposed Purchase and Sale Agreement provides for necessary right of way on the property bordered by Devlin Road and Soscol Junction to build the County’s roundabout project. The County is currently in negotiations with the property owner of the property bounded by Devlin Road and Soscol Ferry Road for right of way necessary to also build the project.
The Soscol Ferry Road/Devlin Road Roundabout Project, which is now currently estimated at $6,309,648 is proposed to be funded by the airport traffic mitigation fee (TMF) program. All budget transfers to date have been transferred from this fund.
A budget transfer is now necessary in the amount of $235,648 to fully cover the design costs as well as the acquisition of the required right of way in the Purchase and Sales agreement presented for approval here.
This transfer is proposed to be funded by the Capital Improvement Projects fund but to be repaid from the TMF fund once the fund has sufficient funds. The fund is currently repaying funds related to the Soscol Junction project.
Staff anticipates returning to the Board later this year for a budget transfer to fully fund the right of way costs. Attached is a budget sheet for information.
At the time of bid opening for the Soscol Ferry Road - Devlin Road Roundabout Project staff will return to request funding for that project. Another loan may be needed at that time, though all loans will be paid back as new TMF fees are received. Staff anticipates construction of the project to take place in 2025.
It is projected that the TMF will continue to grow through the payment of TMF fees as development occurs in the business park area. This process of advancing funds, and then getting paid back by future TMF revenue, was used successfully during construction of Devlin Road segments C and E (both loans have been repaid in full as planned).
Director of Public Works requests approval of the following regarding the Soscol Ferry Road/Devlin Road Roundabout Project (4/5 vote required):
1. Approve a Purchase and Sale agreement No. 250175B with Samer Daoud Ishaq and Sana Samer Ishaq, as Trustees of the SS Ishaq Trust dated June 8, 2006, and Suhail Ishaq and Christine Ishaq, as Trustees of the SC Ishaq Trust dated May 21, 2007;
2. Approve a Professional Services Agreement No. 250176B with GHD for design services in the amount of $122,926;
3. Adoption of a Resolution approving a loan from the Capital Improvement Projects Fund (Fund 3000, Sub-Division 3000000) to the Traffic Mitigation-Airport Industrial budget (TMF) (Fund 2440, Sub-Division 1220050) to support design and construction of the Soscol Ferry Road/Devlin Road Roundabout Project; and
4. Approval of Budget Amendment for the following (4/5 vote required):
a. Increase Long-Term Debt appropriations by $235,648 in the Capital Improvement Projects Fund (Fund 3000, Sub-Division 3000000, Account 56500) offset by use of its available fund balance for the loan to the TMF;
b. Increase Transfer Out appropriations by $235,648 in TMF (Fund 2440, Org 1220050, Account 56100) offset by increase in Long-Term Debt Proceeds revenue to transfer to Soscol Ferry Road/Devlin Road Roundabout Project budget (Fund 2040, Org 2040500, Project 21060);
c. Increase Land appropriations by $156,529 in Project 21060 budget (Fund 2040, Sub-Division 2040500, Project 21060, Account 55100) offset by transfer-in revenue from TMF; and
d. Increase Engineer Services appropriations by $79,119 in Project 21060 budget (Fund 2040, Sub-Division 2040500, Project 21060, Account 52145) offset by transfer-in revenue from TMF.
Is there a Fiscal Impact? |
Yes |
Is it currently budgeted? |
No |
Is it Mandatory or Discretionary? |
Discretionary |
Discretionary Justification: |
Requested approvals are necessary to complete the design and right-of-way phases of the project. |
Is the general fund affected? |
No |
Future fiscal impact: |
The construction phase of the Soscol Ferry Road - Devlin Road Intersection Roundabout Project will have to be funded in Fiscal Year 2024-2025. |
Consequences if not approved: |
The project may not move forward. |
ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: A Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program was adopted by the Board of Supervisors on August 17, 2021. According to the Mitigated Negative Declaration, the proposed project would have, if mitigation measures are not included, potentially significant environmental impacts in the following areas: Biological Resources, Cultural Resources, Hazards and Hazardous Materials, Noise, Tribal Cultural Resources and Mandatory Findings of Significance. This project site is not on any of the lists of hazardous waste sites enumerated under Government code section 65962.5