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File #: 25-48    Version: 1
Type: Agreement Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 12/26/2024 In control: Board of Supervisors
On agenda: 1/14/2025 Final action:
Title: Approve and authorize Agreement No. 250275B with RDA Consulting, SPC to develop the County's Realignment Annual Plan, an annual requirement to be submitted to the State under Assembly Bill 109 (Fiscal Impact: $50,000 Expense; Realignment Special Revenue Funds; Budgeted; Discretionary).
Attachments: 1. Agreement
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TO:                     Board of Supervisors

FROM:                     Amanda Gibbs, Chief Probation Officer

REPORT BY:                     Ferlyn Buenafe, Probation Administrative Manager

SUBJECT:                     Agreement with RDA Consulting




Approve and authorize Agreement No. 250275B with RDA Consulting, SPC to develop the County’s Realignment Annual Plan, an annual requirement to be submitted to the State under Assembly Bill 109 (Fiscal Impact: $50,000 Expense; Realignment Special Revenue Funds; Budgeted; Discretionary).



The Public Safety Realignment Act (Assembly Bill 109) was signed into law by the Governor on April 5, 2011, and amended by Assembly Bill 117 on June 30, 2011. This legislation specifies new responsibilities for managing adult offenders in California and obligates counties to develop and recommend a Realignment Plan through the Napa County Community Corrections Partnership (CCP). The CCP is a group created in connection with prior criminal justice legislation and oversees the expenditure of funds received by the State.

To allocate Napa County’s portion of annual state revenues, the CCP develops program and funding recommendations. These recommendations are voted upon the CCP Executive Committee. CCP funded programs focus on public safety, reducing recidivism, and offender rehabilitation.

The CCP will provide an updated Annual Plan that outlines how local communities will work to address overcrowding in the State’s prisons and further assist in alleviating the State’s budgetary crisis. Specifically, AB 109 shifted the responsibility for supervising specified groups - nonviolent, nonserious, non-sex offenders, and post-release community supervision - of lower level justice-involved individuals (both those incarcerated and on parole) from the State’s Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) to counties.

Counties have a responsibility to provide an updated Annual Plan that reports on work completed and shares plans for priorities to be addressed in the upcoming year and it is expected that the Plan is developed with community feedback through the CCP.

At its March 14, 2024 CCP meeting, members approved a contractual agreement with the Consultant to assist with the strategic development of the Fiscal Year 2025-2026 Napa County Realignment Plan.

The Plan process involves soliciting and receiving feedback from CCP members and Probation. It also includes review of existing program components, meeting with various County staff, and research of effective programming. The Plan will serve as a road map to develop actional priorities, goals and strategies inclusive of an updated mission and vision to guide work through the upcoming year. The Consultant will assist the County to strengthen the approaches and partnerships to improve in-custody and community-based programs and services for justice involved individuals.

The Consultant is an experienced strategic planning consultant with extensive knowledge and expertise in supporting justice-involved systems and initiatives and the county level.

Funding for this agreement is paid from State realigned funds (AB 109).

Requested Action:

Approve and authorize Agreement No. 250275B with RDA Consulting, SPC for a contract maximum of $50,000 to develop the County’s Realignment Annual Plan (Plan) as an annual requirement to be submitted to the State Funding under Assembly Bill 109 (2011).


Is there a Fiscal Impact?


Is it currently budgeted?


Where is it budgeted?

Realignment Special Revenue Funds

Is it Mandatory or Discretionary?


Is the general fund affected?


Future fiscal impact:

Services are expected to begin this fiscal year and carry into the subsequent FY with a contract maximum of $50,000. Funds will be budgeted accordingly in Fiscal Year 2025-2026.

Consequences if not approved:

Probation does not have the resources to create a strategic multidisciplinary document involving information gathering from all members of the Community Corrections Partnership Committee and community feedback. The consultant provides expertise to assist the County update and revise the Annual Plan to be submitted to Board of State and Community Corrections.



ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: The proposed action is not a project as defined by 14 California Code of Regulations 15378 (State CEQA Guidelines) and therefore CEQA is not applicable.