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File #: 24-1750    Version: 1
Type: Report Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 10/2/2024 In control: Board of Supervisors
On agenda: 10/15/2024 Final action:
Title: Approve the Plans & Specifications for the Jail Transition Project, PW 22-30 and authorize the Director of Public Works to advertise and open sealed bids, at a time, date, and location pursuant to Section 20150.8 of the Public Contract Code; and approve a Budget Amendment. (Fiscal Impact: $100,000, Expense; Capital Improvement Projects Fund; Not Budgeted; Discretionary) [4/5 vote required]
Sponsors: Board of Supervisors
Attachments: 1. Budget Summary
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TO:                     Board of Supervisors

FROM:                     Steven Lederer, Director of Public Works

REPORT BY:                     Frank Lucido, Engineering Manager

SUBJECT:                     Approve Advertising and Budget Transfer for the “Jail Transition Project”, PW 22-30




Approve the Plans & Specifications for the Jail Transition Project, PW 22-30 and authorize the Director of Public Works to advertise and open sealed bids, at a time, date, and location pursuant to Section 20150.8 of the Public Contract Code; and approve a Budget Amendment. (Fiscal Impact: $100,000, Expense; Capital Improvement Projects Fund; Not Budgeted; Discretionary)
[4/5 vote required]




The new jail site is scheduled to be commissioned in the first half of the coming calendar year. After inmates are moved to the new location there will still be a need to be transport inmates downtown for court appearances. To accommodate this process until a new downtown court holding facility is constructed, the existing jail will be reconfigured to accept inmates and hold them for the day. Modifications will be made to the security electronics system, the fire alarm system and most of the locks. Some of this work such as ordering long lead items, bidding, and contracting can take place before inmates are moved to the new jail but some of it will need to happen immediately (within two days) after the inmates are moved. Some of the work such as removing locks in nonsecure areas, mothballing cells and fire alarm system work can be completed in the weeks after the move.

On September 12, 2023, the Board approved $190,000 in funding to start design of the project and it is now ready to bid. A $100,000 budget transfer is being requested today to provide funding to order locks and some equipment which can take up to 4 months to obtain. After bids are opened, another budget transfer will be requested to fund the construction phase of the project.

Requested Actions:
                     Approve the Plans & Specifications for the Jail Transition Project, PW 22-30 and authorize the Director of Public Works to advertise for sealed bids, and open the bids at a time, date, and location pursuant to Section 20150.8 of the Public Contract Code; and
                     Approve a Budget Amendment for the following (4/5 vote required):
                     Increase Intrafund Transfer-Out appropriations by $100,000 in the Capital Improvement Projects Fund, (Fund 3000, Sub-Division 3000000, Account 57900) offset by use of its available fund balance to fund project 23013; and
                     Increase Construction Services appropriations by $100,000 in project 23013 (Fund 3000, Sub-Division 3000505, Project 23013, Account 52360) offset by a Transfer-In revenue from the Capital Improvement Projects Fund.



Is there a Fiscal Impact?


Is it currently budgeted?


Where is it budgeted?

Some funding for this project is budgeted however an additional $100,000 is needed as part of this item.

Is it Mandatory or Discretionary?


Discretionary Justification:

This project is needed to move inmates to court.

Is the general fund affected?


Future fiscal impact:

The facility is existing so future impact is limited to what it takes to maintain the existing facility.

Consequences if not approved:

Inmates will not be able to attend court in person which would likely result in judgements against the County.

Additional Information

The Board approved a study to look at alternatives for accommodating court holding and this project was recommended. For the long term (roughly 7-10 years from now) the construction of a new court holding facility near the Main Street side of the existing jail was also recommended.



ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: The proposed action is not a project as defined by 14 California Code of Regulations 15378 (State CEQA Guidelines) and therefore CEQA is not applicable.