TO: Board of Supervisors
FROM: Ryan J. Alsop, County Executive Officer
REPORT BY: Jennifer Palmer, Director of Housing & Homeless Services
SUBJECT: Amendment No. 4 to Agreement 170266B with Bitfocus, Inc. (HMIS)
Approve and authorize Amendment No. 4 to Agreement 170266B with Bitfocus, Inc. to provide specialized project management services to integrate Department of Housing & Homeless Services data with multiple County Department data sources to create a centralized data ecosystem, as well as increase the number of licenses for users of the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) and approve a Budget Amendment related to this agreement (Fiscal Impact $43,775 expense; Housing & Homeless Fund; Not Budgeted; Discretionary)
[4/5 vote required]
Napa County Housing & Homeless Services Department contracts with Bitfocus, Inc., a software company providing cloud-based technology to collect client-level demographic data and track the provision of services to individuals and families experiencing homelessness who are served by Continuum of Care agencies.
Amendment No. 4 to Agreement No. 170266B increases the annual contract maximum by $43,775 and expands the scope of work to include the Napa County ITS data integration project, to implement and configure the unification of disparate data sets into a centralized data ecosystem, with the goal of enabling the County to make better decisions and share information in a timelier manner. This amendment also increases the number of user licenses available for partner Continuum of Care agencies to access the HMIS system.
Requested Actions:
1. Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Amendment No. 4 to Agreement 170622B with Bitfocus, Inc. to increase the contract maximum to $255,242.
2. Approve a Budget Amendment increasing the appropriation in Department of Housing & Homeless Services administration services (2030000-52100) by $43,775, offset by the increase in revenue in interest in the amount of $30,000 (2030000-45100) and in Charges for Services in the amount of $13,775 (2030000-46800).
Is there a Fiscal Impact? |
Yes |
Is it currently budgeted? |
No |
Where is it budgeted? |
Is it Mandatory or Discretionary? |
Discretionary |
Discretionary Justification: |
This is discretionary in that there is no mandate to move forward with the data integration project or use Bitfocus as a vendor. |
Is the general fund affected? |
Yes |
Future fiscal impact: |
This will be included in future budgets, should there be a need for continued services. |
Consequences if not approved: |
If this is not approved, the Housing & Homeless Services Department will not have capacity to move forward with the data integration project, and the HMIS system will lack adequate user licenses. |
ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: The proposed action is not a project as defined by 14 California Code of Regulations 15378 (State CEQA Guidelines) and therefore CEQA is not applicable.