TO: Board of Supervisors
FROM: Ryan J. Alsop - County Executive Officer
REPORT BY: Neha Hoskins - Clerk of the Board
SUBJECT: Annual Appointments

Annual appointment/reappointment of members of the Board of Supervisors to various committees, commissions, and advisory boards. (No Fiscal Impact)
In March 2012, the California Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) amended Regulation 18705.5 creating a limited exception to allow public officials to vote on their appointment as representatives of the entity to other paid public boards. The FPPC also required the use of Form 806 (Agency Report of Public Official Appointment) for public agencies to identify these appointments. Since July 2012, Form 806 has been used to report additional compensation received by elected officials in the form of stipends for meetings attended when appointing themselves to positions on committees, committees or boards for public agencies, special districts, or joint powers agencies or authorities. This Form 806 is posted on the Napa County website and is regularly updated.
Per Napa County Policy Manual Part I, Section 8, Subdivision I.B.4. - Appointments of Members of the Board of Supervisors to External Committees, Commissions, and Other Boards:
The Board will make such appointments in accordance with the following guidelines, unless in specific instances the Board determines by majority vote that a different procedure should be followed.
a. Appointment Procedures & Timing
At the first Board meeting following the first Monday in January, and thereafter in accordance with the Maddy Act (Government Code section 54970 et seq.), where applicable, when new positions are created or unexpected vacancies occur, the Board shall make appointments to those various boards, commissions, committees and authorities on which Board members are asked to serve.
b. Appointments Upon Expiration of Term of Appointment
Appointments to existing positions made vacant by expiration of the term of the appointment will be made as follows:
i. To promote continuity, the incumbent supervisor will be reappointed unless they choose not to serve a subsequent term or is otherwise unavailable.
ii. If the incumbent supervisor chooses not to be reappointed or is unavailable, the Board may appoint any other supervisor expressing an interest in serving.
c. Appointments Due to Unexpected Vacancies During Term
Appointments to new positions and to positions resulting from unexpected vacancies during a term will be made as follows:
i. The Board may appoint any supervisor expressing an interest to an existing committee or commission to fill an unexpected vacancy during the term.
ii. If a new committee, commission or board was created at the request of a particular supervisor, that supervisor shall be appointed, unless they decline to serve; otherwise the Board may appoint any other supervisor expressing an interest in serving.
d. Conflicting Appointments
Notwithstanding (b) and (c), no supervisor shall be appointed to serve on a committee, commission or board whose regular meeting dates and times conflict on three or more consecutive occasions with those of one or more other committees, commissions or boards to which that supervisor has already been appointed, unless the supervisor resigns from the conflicting appointment or appointments.
e. Termination of Appointments
Unless otherwise provided by the rules or law governing the committee, commission or board to which the appointment is being made, the appointment of a supervisor under this subdivision I.B.4. shall automatically terminate if any of the following occur:
i. Three consecutive unexcused absences of the supervisor to the committee, commission, or board are recorded. Unexcused absences occur when the supervisor provides no reasonable advance notice of the supervisor’s planned absence to (1) the committee, commission, or board, and (2) the supervisor’s alternate. Excused absences occur when such advance notice is provided.
ii. The supervisor has submitted a written resignation to the chair of the affected committee, commission or board and to the Clerk.
iii. The supervisor vacates his or her office as supervisor, for any reason.
f. Great Wine Capitals General Assembly
Notwithstanding the foregoing Guidelines, appointments to represent the County at the Great Wine Capitals General Assembly will be as follows:
The Board’s designated representative shall be appointed in the same manner as other appointments of Board members under this subdivision I.B.4., except if a Board member has been appointed by the local steering committee to serve on the executive committee of Great Wine Capitals, then that Board member shall attend the Assembly for the duration of their term on the executive committee to provide continuity.
The Chair shall be an additional designated representative.
Staff with responsibilities and expertise in relevant subject matter areas may attend to represent the County subject to Board approval for out-of- state travel as applicable.
Attached are descriptions in alphabetical order and by designated areas providing the purpose of each committee, commission, and advisory board for which a Supervisor(s) represents the County and a worksheet summarizing key data for each.
1. Staff report.
2. Public comment.
3. Motion, second, discussion and vote.
Is there a Fiscal Impact? |
No |
ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: The proposed action is not a project as defined by 14 California Code of Regulations 15378 (State CEQA Guidelines) and therefore CEQA is not applicable.