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File #: 23-1561    Version: 1
Type: Agreement Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 8/31/2023 In control: Board of Supervisors
On agenda: 9/12/2023 Final action:
Title: Director of Public Works requests approval of and authorization for the Chair to sign Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 200379B with the Napa County Resource Conservation District (NCRCD) increasing compensation by $30,000 for an annual maximum of $205,000 with a (1) one-year extension to continue to provide biological monitoring services related to the Oakville to Oak Knoll (OVOK) Restoration Project.
Sponsors: Board of Supervisors
Attachments: 1. Agreement
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TO:                     Board of Supervisors

FROM:                     Steven Lederer - Director of Public Works

REPORT BY:                     Jeremy Sarrow - Watershed and Flood Control Operations Manager

SUBJECT:                     Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 200379B with the Napa County Resource Conservation District



Director of Public Works requests approval of and authorization for the Chair to sign Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 200379B with the Napa County Resource Conservation District (NCRCD) increasing compensation by $30,000 for an annual maximum of $205,000 with a (1) one-year extension to continue to provide biological monitoring services related to the Oakville to Oak Knoll (OVOK) Restoration Project.



The Napa County Resource Conservation District (NCRCD) has been providing biological monitoring support for the Napa River OVOK Restoration Project since 2020. Biological monitoring work for the Napa River OVOK Restoration Project is necessary to determine project effectiveness and comply with grant and permit conditions. At the request of grant agencies additional biological monitoring is to be performed for the project and supported by grant funds including operation of the Rotary Screw Trap and other monitoring of salmonids.


Is there a Fiscal Impact?


Is it currently budgeted?


Where is it budgeted?

The Napa River OVOK Restoration Project is budgeted under Public Works Projects Budget, Fund 1000 Subdivision 1220500, Program 07002.

Is it Mandatory or Discretionary?


Discretionary Justification:

Biological monitoring support is necessary to demonstrate project effectiveness and comply with regulatory permit conditions.

Is the general fund affected?


Future fiscal impact:

Some of the work will carry into FY 2023-2024.

Consequences if not approved:

The necessary biological monitoring would not be completed, and the County would not be able to implement construction related activities.

County Strategic Plan pillar addressed:

Vibrant and Sustainable Environment



ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: The Napa River Restoration: Oakville to Oak Knoll (OVOK) Project is the subject of a Mitigated Negative Declaration (SCH No. 2014012057), which was adopted by the Napa County Public Works Director on April 11, 2014. According to the Mitigated Negative Declaration, the proposed project would have, if mitigation measures are not included, potentially significant environmental impacts in the following areas: Aesthetics, Biological Resources, Transportation/Traffic, Cultural Resources, and Air Quality. This project site is not on any of the lists of hazardous waste sites enumerated under Government code section 65962.5.


The NCRCD's biological monitoring work will continue to be conducted on the Napa River Restoration: Oakville to Oak Knoll Project. In April 2019, the County applied for funding through the California Coastal Conservancy's Proposition 1 Grant Program. In February 2020, the Coastal Conservancy approved $1,700,000 (Project No. 19-028) in funding for implementation of OVOK Group D and for biological monitoring along the Napa River to determine restoration project effectiveness. A contract for $175,000 from this grant funded the NCRCD to complete biological monitoring work within the Napa River including, juvenile salmonid monitoring, adult salmonid monitoring, and monitoring of restoration features. This Amendment No. 1 will be a continuation of that work into FY 2023-2024 and include the following additional monitoring activities: operation of a Rotary Screw Trap, establishing a Passive Integrated Transponder Tag antenna tracking system and conducting snorkel surveys for steelhead and fall run chinook salmon.