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File #: 24-1143    Version: 1
Type: Public Hearing Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 6/18/2024 In control: Board of Supervisors
On agenda: 9/10/2024 Final action:
Title: PUBLIC HEARING 2:00 PM - Pridmore Property General Plan Map Amendment P17-00135, Rezone P20-00223, and Use Permit P20-00222. Conduct a public hearing to consider the project and act on the recommendation of the Planning Commission. On May 15, 2024, following a duly noticed public hearing, the Planning Commission recommended that the Board of Supervisors 1. Adopt the Negative Declaration; 2. Adopt the proposed resolution; 3. Adopt the proposed ordinance; and 4. Approve Use Permit P20-00222, subject to the recommended conditions of approval. (No Fiscal Impact)
Sponsors: Board of Supervisors
Attachments: 1. A. Planning Commission Recommendation-Resolution No. 2024-001-PC, 2. B. Resolution to Amend the General Plan Designtion APN 032-130-026, 3. C. Ordinance to Rezone APN 032-130-026, 4. D. Initial Study Negative Declaration, 5. E. Recommended Conditions of Approval, 6. F. Recommended Findings


TO:                     Board of Supervisors

FROM:                     Brian D. Bordona, Director Planning, Building and Environmental Services

REPORT BY:                     Emily Hedge, Planner III

SUBJECT:                     Pridmore Property General Plan Map Amendment, Rezoning, and Use Permit



PUBLIC HEARING 2:00 PM - Pridmore Property General Plan Map Amendment P17-00135, Rezone P20-00223, and Use Permit P20-00222. 

Conduct a public hearing to consider the project and act on the recommendation of the Planning Commission. On May 15, 2024, following a duly noticed public hearing, the Planning Commission recommended that the Board of Supervisors 1. Adopt the Negative Declaration; 2. Adopt the proposed resolution; 3. Adopt the proposed ordinance; and 4. Approve Use Permit P20-00222, subject to the recommended conditions of approval. (No Fiscal Impact)   



The Project before the Board consists of:

1.                     An applicant-initiated General Plan Map Amendment to change the property’s land use designation from Agriculture, Watershed and Open Space (AWOS) to Urban Residential (UR);

2.                     A change to the property’s zoning district from Agricultural Watershed (AW) to Commercial Limited (CL); and

3.                     A new Use Permit for a small short-term rental lodging facility and related accessory uses and structures.

The Project is comprised of three individuals, but interrelated actions that must be approved to allow the proposal for a new lodging facility on the parcel. The first action is a General Plan amendment to change the land use designation on the property from AWOS to UR. This will facilitate the rezoning of the property from AW to CL.

Measure P does not apply to this parcel because the parcel was designated Rural Residential (RR) and not AWOS on September 28, 2007, the date on which parcels with an existing AWOS designation trigger Measure P requirements. See Discussion section below for additional detail. The second action is to rezone the property from AW zoning to CL zoning. Lodging facilities and hotels are allowed with a use permit in the CL but not the AW zoning district. The third action is approval of a new use permit to allow the lodging facility and related accessory structures and uses on the property. The proposed short-term lodging facility consists of nine (9) individual units/cottages, one (1) caretaker unit, accessory buildings for guest check-in, office, and storage (some of which will utilize existing structures), a new office building, and a new barn for community gatherings and private events. The lodge would be staffed by four (4) full-time employees.

On May 15, 2024, following a duly noticed public hearing, the Planning Commission heard the proposed Project and made a unanimous (3-0) recommendation to the Board to approve the proposed Project and adopt the environmental determination under CEQA. See the May 17, 2024, Memorandum and Resolution No. 2024-001-PC (Attachment A).

Staff recommends that the Board follow the recommendation of the Planning Commission and adopt the Negative Declaration and approve the Project, subject to the recommended conditions of approval. The ordinance may be introduced, read, and passed at this meeting.



A detailed discussion and analysis of the Project is included in the May 15, 2024, Planning Commission staff report. The staff report and attachments are available on the County’s website. <> 

A summary of key topics discussed at the Planning Commission Hearing, along with actions occurring after the hearing, are included below.


Measure J and Measure P - Policy AG/LU-110 and Policy AG/LU-111

As discussed in the Planning Commission Staff Report (PC Staff Report), at the hearing, and detailed in PC Staff Report Attachment E “General Plan Consistency Analysis”, the general plan amendment is not subject to Measure P. Measure J (adopted in 1990) and now Measure P (adopted in 2008) requires voter approval of any general plan amendment converting lands designated as Agriculture, Watershed and Open Space (AWOS) or Agricultural Resource (AR) on the Napa County General Plan Land Use Map adopted by the Board of Supervisors on September 8, 1975, as amended through September 28, 2007. This property was designated Rural Residential (RR) at the time Measure J was adopted in 1990 and was not changed to AWOS until December 2008 (after the 2007 trigger date for Measure P) as part of the Proposed Land Use Map Amendment (PLUMA) process. See Figure AG/LU-3.5 ‘AR and AWOS Lands Not Subject to Measure J’ on page AG/LU-71, included in PC Staff Report - Attachment Q. Therefore, because the parcel was not designated AWOS on or before September 28, 2007, the parcel may be considered for re-designation without triggering Measure P requirements.



In compliance with California Government Code Sections 65352; 65352 (a)(8); 65352.3; 65302.5(a), and 65090, notice of the proposed Project was sent to the applicable agencies and entities. Following noticing under Government Code Section 65352.3, comments were received from Scott Gabaldon, Chairperson Mishewal Wappo Tribe of Alexander Valley. The requested language regarding cultural sensitivity training has been incorporated into the Recommended Conditions of Approval (No. 6.16.h). No other comments were received.


Public Comments

A comment letter from Water Audit California was received during the Planning Commission hearing (PC Staff Report Attachment - Item 7B - Public Comment (received after public hearing)). The letter has been reviewed and considered, and staff has determined that the comments do not affect the analysis that was prepared for the project. Staff does not propose changes to the recommended actions before the Supervisors. No additional public comments have been received. 


Conditions of Approval

Minor revisions were made to the recommended Conditions of Approval. This included incorporation of clarifying information discussed at the Planning Commission hearing and the addition of the language requested by the Mishewal Wappo Tribe of Alexander Valley.


Decision Making Options

The following options are provided for the Board’s consideration regarding possible action on the Project:

1.                     Approve the Project as recommended by the Planning Commission (Staff’s Recommendation).

2.                     Modify the scope of the Use Permit or Conditions of Approval (Attachment E).

3.                     Deny the General Plan Amendment or Rezone of the parcel. If either component is denied, the Project would not be consistent with the General Plan and/or Zoning Ordinance, and therefore the use Permit portion of the Project could not be approved.


Staff Recommendation: Staff is recommending the Board of Supervisors act on the recommendation of the Planning Commission. This option would amend the General Plan to change the property’s land use designation, rezone the property’s zoning district, and approve the use permit for the lodging facility, subject to the Recommended Conditions of Approval. The General Plan consistency analysis demonstrates that the proposed changes in the general plan designation and zoning districts, along with the proposed lodging facility, is generally consistent with the overall goals and policies set forth for the County. The Negative Declaration demonstrates that the proposed lodging facility would not have any significant impacts on the environment.


Action Required:

1.                     Adopt the Negative Declaration;

2.                     Adopt a Resolution to amend the General Plan to change the property’s land use designation from AWOS to UR (P17-00135);

3.                     Adopt an ordinance to rezone the property from the AW zoning district to the CL zoning district (P20-00223); and

4.                     Approve Use Permit P20-00222, subject to the recommended conditions of approval.


Procedural Requirements:

1.                     Open Public Hearing.

2.                     Staff reports.

3.                     Public comments.

4.                     Close Public Hearing.

5.                     Motion, second, discussion, and vote to approve the Project.




Is there a Fiscal Impact?




ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: Consideration and possible adoption of a Negative Declaration. State Clearinghouse No. SCH 2024041065. According to the proposed Negative Declaration, the proposed project would not have any potentially significant environmental impacts. The project site is not included on a list of hazardous materials sites compiled pursuant to Government Code Section 65962.5.